Chapter 12

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As soon as Calvin caught his breath, he found Charles Wallace and Sam at the top of the stairwell.

"Calvin!" said Sam.

"Cal!" said Charles Wallace.

"Hey! Sam and Charles Wallace! Are you okay?" said Calvin.

"We're fine, thanks" said Sam.

"Okay good. Come on; we have to get out of here" said Calvin.

"But, Cal, we have a problem" said Charles Wallace.

"What? Because of the rain? We're just gonna get a little wet. Let's just find Meg and get out of here" said Calvin.

"Not so fast" said Lurch slowly.

"Not so fast? Okay, the people in this place are kinda weird, guys. Let's get outta here" said Calvin.

"They've been saddened, Calvin. The place is falling apart" said Sam.

"Nothing is falling apart, Sam. We're just having delusions from that dinner we ate. It was that chicken; it didn't taste right" said Calvin.

"No, Mr Calvin. It's not the chicken" said Pugsley.

"Alright, it's not the chicken. But we still have to get out of here" said Calvin.

"Cal, we have to help them" said Sam.

"Yeah; we have to help them break the curse" said Charles Wallace.

"Why is everybody talking about a curse? Have you been talking to that crazy bald guy full of wizardry?" said Calvin.

"He means our Uncle Fester! We gotta go back and see him" said Wednesday.

"No! No back! I'm not going back!" said Calvin.

"But, Calvin..." Sam began.

"He had me floating around the room!" said Calvin.

"Cal!" said Sam.

"I was strapped to a chair floating around the room with a marching band chasing me! I'm not going back!" said Calvin.

"But Meg's in trouble!" said Charles Wallace.

"What kind of trouble" said Calvin.

"It's terrible to speak of" said Lurch.

"He's right, Cal" said Sam.

While the guys explained everything to Calvin, Meg was still listening to Gomez's story.

"She died here in this house. She was so very young. So very beautiful. I just didn't let my brother Fester, or Lurch, or my children know. They just think she's gone and hope she'll be back" said Gomez.

"How did she die, Mr Addams?" said Meg.

"She took her own life. Poison. And now our family is deeply saddened. It's feared that we'll be unable to be our old selves again" said Gomez.

"Oh no..." said Meg.

"Oh yes. If you listen, you can hear the beating... of my broken heart" said Gomez.

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