Chapter 9

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Charles Wallace and Sam were still in their room. 

Sam found a harpsichord and started playing it.

She was so intrigued, that she didn't hear Lurch come in.

And when she saw him, she jumped back in fear.

"For heaven's sake, mister! Stop scaring me" said Sam.

"There are scarier things in this house than me" said Lurch gravely.

Charles Wallace came out and saw the intruder.

"Oh! Lurch, I didn't hear you coming" he said.

"I'm a quiet man" said Lurch.

"So... all this stuff about scary things?" Sam said awkwardly.

"Scary things? How scary?" said Charles Wallace.

"Terrifying" said Lurch.

"Terrifying how? Terrifying like how it's terrifying that Sam is twice divorced?" said Charles Wallace.

"No. Terrifying like... a lost family member" said Lurch.

"A lost family member? Tell us about it" said Charles Wallace.


"No?" said Sam

"I can't tell"

"You can't?"

"But I can show you" said Lurch.

"Please do" said Charles Wallace.

Lurch opened a hidden door and said "Follow me".

Charles Wallace and Sam followed while Calvin lit a match in the hidden wall.

"Where's that shriveled old lady when you need her?" he said to himself.

Meanwhile, Meg was in the halls looking for Calvin.

She ran into Grandmama on the way.

"Oh, Grandmama. It's you" she said.

"May I help you, darling?" said Grandmama.

"Yes. I was looking for Calvin" said Meg.

"Ah, indeed. I left him in the library. Right through there" said Grandmama.

Meg entered the library and found Gomez instead of Calvin.

"Oh! Mr Addams. Have you seen Calvin?" she said.

"I haven't, my dear, but I'm glad to see you" said Gomez.

"You are?"


"Actually, I'm glad I found because I need to ask you something" 

"Do you?"

"Yes. This house is your home. It's been in your family for so long... why do you wanna sell it?" said Meg.

"This house is filled with memories. Some of them are painful. I think for you to understand, I really must show you" said Gomez.

"Oh... certainly" said Meg.

"When my children were born, this house was so much more alive. Lurch always played his harpsichord... but he doesn't anymore" said Gomez.

"Why?" said Meg.

"Nobody does what they used to anymore. They all liked the house better the way it was" said Gomez.

"What happened, Mr Addams?" said Meg.

"She did"


"Morticia. My wife. Hers is the story that haunts these walls" said Gomez.

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