20. victimising

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I made a mistake and put Ruby's last name as Romero sorry,it's now changed.


Xavier just said that he's in love with me in the company of his family and workers. He scratches the back of his neck  and looks at me,his face tells me he's surprised at what he just said but he doesnt regret it. I hope he doesn't. I smile at him to ease however he feels right now,probably embarresed and mouth to him "I love you too," his cheeks redden so he runs his hands down his face. He smiles secretly still trying to not break that tough guy character. I just made Xavier Morreti blush.

Ares still hasn't arrived. The room is silent until Ruby says "puoi dire a mio cognato di fare in fretta, cazzo,(can you tell my brother in law to hurry the fuck up.) "excuse me?" Xavier asks what she meant and she replies "Elara is my sister did you not know?" Xavier looks at me before looking back at Ruby. "Well this marriage won't last long,"she mutters taking a sip of her water,  that's bold from someone who is single but i ignore it "Half sister," I correct her and she shrugs sitting back in her chair.

Sienna looks at me and then at Ruby "no wonder you two look alike," she says and Ruby spins her head around"What's that supposed to mean, cagna."(bitch)  She must have taken that as an insult. Sienna stands up,I stand up. Xavier stands taller than all of and orders "everyone out!" They all hurry out of their seats and leave. Ruby starts to leave and so I follow after her. Xavier stops me "not you."

I stop in my tracks and I turn to him. "Explain," he says. I nod and tell him "Ruby is my half sister," I state and he asks " you don't like her?" I shake my head. "Ok don't be mad but me and her used to sleep together," he tells me,I shrug my shoulders not caring. "Is that all?" I ask needing to talk to the bitch. "Your not pissed?" He asks and I don't know what he expected. "No,we weren't married then why would I care, now can I go?" He lets me go.

It doesn't take me long to find Ruby. She ,as usual is at the bar,running away from reality with only alcohol as her company. She's always done this, whenever she is horrible or does something wrong she'll get drunk leaving me to look after her. She's a maniac with victim complex, a drunk who makes her half sister clean her shit up. I enter the bar and the bartender looks at me and then at Ruby with a worried look,I tell him to leave. Ruby looks at me and opens her arms "Elly!" She calls me by the name my mum used to call me. I slap her, she has no right to call me that name. She holds her now red cheek and looks at me with her red eyes and starts laughing. "Someone grew a pair since we last met," she says refilling her glass. The last time we met was when a lawyer read out our mum's will, it gave Ruby no inheritance, not a single penny to her name. Ruby went crazy after that, she's always had a desire to cause me pain, whether that be mentally or physically but after that she took that desire to a whole new level. It' s a story full of pain, one I'm not prepared to tell but I can say that she ended up in the psych ward for five years.

"Why are you here?" I ask her and she smiles at me and shakes her head "oh my sweet,sweet sister I'm here because i miss you." She says staring at me. I shake my head "not this time,this time your leaving or i swear on my life i'll kill you," she sucks her teeth "listen to me," she says holding my arm "my father is dead so the least you can do is stop trying to be the victim." I look at her and see she's crying. Don't feel bad. Don't feel bad.

I wipe her tears "I'm sorry," I say and she finishes of her drink. "All you do is make everything about you," she says tears falling from her blue eyes. "You are so stuck in your life that you didn't even know that my dad died,you don't care about me,you never came to visit me,never," she tells me about how I've been distant and even though I know it's complete bull shit,I listen to her.

I knew about her father's death,I was at the funeral and I did visit her at the hospital. I was She has psychosis and when the doctors diagnosed her I was in that room. I have always been there for her,always. "I hate you," she whispers and leaves the bar.

I also leave but I don't follow her. Instead I go to find Antonio. Antonio has known me since primary school. Whenever things were bad at home he was the person I would run to.

I find him in a guest room laying on the bed,shirtless. He notices me and sits up "hey," he says and I sit on his bed. "Hi," I say my voice soft.  "Have you talked to her?" He asks and I nod. "I have but Ant why the fuck did you bring her here?"
"I had no choice in that,Micheal does and Ruby made him make her come ." I look at him trying not to smile at that sentence. He smiles before me making burst into laughter. My humour is broken.

I look down at his abs. He has abs now. "You've lost a few pounds," I say marvelled at his glow up. He laughs and says "and you got married," he says and I remember our pact that we made years ago. If neither of us get married then we would marry each other.  "Have you still not found anyone?"
"I have,her names Leah," he tells me about her.

This whole situation is laughable. I used to fuck El's half sister. I expected her to be explosive when I told her but she was the opposite. I guess I should be thankful but it makes me wonder why they hate each other.

It's now dinner time and ever since El was hospitalised I've taken care of her food portions and the type of food she eats. For example she can't eat burgers,it's her trigger food. At first I had no clue how to react to someone with anorexia but after a few weeks of research I think I've become a pro at it. I've noticed some things about El,things I never would have noticed. She can't eat alone,she can not eat burgers and sometimes she can't handle chicken,she has to have chewing gum after eating anything to prevent her from doing sick.

I walk to the kitchen where the chefs are making dinner,I go over to Elara's plate and see there's chicken in it. After calling for the chef,I tell him to make a separate dish for her. He asks if pasta is suitable for her and I agree. I call El and she declines the call. Bitch.

After searching for her in our room and in Alice's I think to myself if I was Elara where would I go. The first place I think of is the rooftop seeing as the sun is setting. As I walk to the roof I hear laughter coming from one of our guest rooms,El's laugh. I peel through the open door and see Antonio shirtless on the same bed as my wife. I'm breaking his pretty face. "Antonio." I say and he turns to me and does a thumbs up. "Elara?" I say and she smiles at me then returns to their conversation. She taps the space next to her for me to sit. I sit and wrap my arm around her back,slipping it around her waist. 

"Hey love,we were just talking about," she looks at Antonio before he says "we were talking about my girlfriend." I nod "continue," I say laying back. Elara called me 'love'. Call me that again. Only call me by that. She loves me.

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