Chapter 10

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A month had passed and it had been a rollercoaster. Some ups and some downs. The downs were that Easton was still harassing me any moment he could find alone and at times, I did snap back while at times, some random passersby would send him away. And I did not tell about this to Xandros because knowing his anger issues? Man could have killed him and then be behind bars for the rest of his life, without him ever regretting any action he took. So? No thank you.

The ups were that I was getting better at Accounting, thanks to Xandros, again, because he helped me a lot in that subject. I helped him in business and it was surprising for how well he quickly and smoothly caught up with it, despite being horrible in it. Xandros and I had gotten closer, we had exchanged numbers and were practically best friends now. Best friends that couldn't stop their knees from bouncing if didn't hear from the other for a few hours.

And yes, this all happened in the span of one month. For many people, it could be hell surprising, but not for me. The company you have matters a lot. Some people find their best mates in five years and still don't go along pretty well while some find in a week and still rock it like anything. A person who loves you and truly adores you can fill your life with stars and flowers in a week and brighten it up like no other could have done even in decades.

Easton had spread the news that Xandors and I were dating and so, we kept up the act. Fake dating.

It was a little overwhelming for me in the start, but in a nice way because as soon as we would enter the school, we both would hold hands and walk to each other's lockers together and then go to class together. He would sit next to me, keep me close to him while always shooting ugly glares towards the bad boys in class. And to be honest? I strangely felt happy that way, having him to myself for those few hours even if it was a well-put up act. People didn't need to know that, but still having him by my side as mine and mine only, was a peaceful cocoon that I never wanted to leave.

Him always protecting me, always standing by my side, always somehow picking up the exact moment when I would start to feel unsafe because of the crowd. Without me even saying, he would know that some people are creeping me out and his sudden enveloping protection would warm me up. The way he would take off his coat and wrap it around me during our walks would always spasm a calming motion within me, with me inhaling his scent from his coat till memorizing it and never letting go. It all felt safe.

I was safe when I was with him. His company always made me feel protected and warm.

First semester exams had been conducted and the results were due any moment now. Xandros and I were under the tree in a local park, cutting through time. I was sitting with my back against the tree while Xandros was lying next to me. He was wearing jeans with a black dress shirt, when I had come to the understanding that he loved the colour black.

His sleeves were half rolled up, I could see the muscles bulging in his arms as well as his chest. His hair was ruffled up when I started chewing my bottom lip. Did he know that I was slowly falling for him? Or that I already have and didn't want to recognize that possibility because that road, downright, terrified the shit out of me. Did he know that he clouds my thoughts these days, that he makes my heartbeat go wild every time he looks at me with those dark-lidded, lustful eyes. And it didn't matter if it was my heart that skipped a beat or my pussy that felt a heartbeat upon seeing him.

The conclusion was....... he was driving me crazy with each passing day. Did he have any clue as to what was he doing to me? Did he feel the same way? Was he just having me as a friend or did he see a future for us together? What image did he have in mind for us?

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now