Chapter 27

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I spent New Year's with my girlfriend and her family and it was kind of happy but depressing as well. Spending a day which marks a new year without my three supporting stars was a bit tough but I had scolded myself to be tough and to stand on my feet like a brave person. I had told myself not to cry over it and to just suck it up and move along. The truth was that they were gone and never coming back, and I might as well just enforce it into my brain.

Crying never brought back any from the dead, so what made mine more special? My love? There were mothers who lost their babies and are still alive, mourning the death each day, so their love should have also brought their babies back but surely this isn't how life worked. People are born, some are shitty assholes, while some are angels. You get attached to both, both ruin you and both leave you. Now, it is on you to get back up and keep dragging yourself along the way because that is only what you can do.

Ava was okay with having a baby with me and it was time for me to actually grow serious. I had to study better, had to know the tactics of 'Business Administration' better, had to do extra jobs, earn money to pay rent, home bills, grocery, clothes, then for my future studies and so much more. I could already picture marrying Ava and her moving into my house and hence? The expenses would increase.

If she gets pregnant and if we have a baby, then? Expenses will keep on increasing and I had to earn for that. I had to work my fucking ass off and be capable enough to give a beautiful and an easy life to my girlfriend.

University had started, I had vowed to never cheat again as that wouldn't help me in my future life especially when it came to jobs and everything. I was hell bent on scoring atleast more than an eighty percent in my finals for Business and hence, Ava was helping me in that subject a lot as I would help her in Accounting. It was true that I grasped concepts quicker than her but at the end, it didn't matter. It wasn't a race.

I was sitting on the terrace, smoking a cigarette and just thinking over what events I had to go through in the past two years and how my life had changed, how my surroundings had changed, how my thinking had changed and I had changed. I was so different than what I was two years ago. Right now, I was just a jumbled up mess. Happy when with Ava and fucked up when alone.

Because the devil always greeted me when I was alone.

It was a fucking nightmare.

I wrapped my lips around the cigarette and intook a large amount, calmness rushing through within my body and easing my heart out when my phone rang. Releasing the smoke from my mouth, I picked up my phone to feel my blood freeze. It was Aunt Eliana. Mother's sister. A fucked up witch with nothing but fake breast implants, her fifth husband already on drugs and her whoring around like a proud bitch. I hated her so fucking much and majorly because she left my mother when she needed her the most.

Everyone left the bride when she needed them except the groom. He held onto her.

I lazily swiped the slider bar on my phone and placed the phone to my ear, my voice coming out low because of the ingredients of hatred stirring within it, "Eliana."

She chuckled, her annoying voice screeching through the phone, "People don't change even after the dead rots."

I chuckled, "Exactly. You are still the same." Take that, bitch!

She was silent for a few when she cleared her throat, "I am sorry for your loss."

I wrapped my lips around the cigarette and inhaled before looking up at the sky, "Ahhhh, same old Eliana. Fake as hell."

"Haven't you learnt any manners on how to talk with elders? Is this what Allegra taught you?" She was losing it and I was totally enjoying it. And the best way to piss her off was to reply to her calmly instead of also pissing off and matching her vibe.

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now