Part 16 - Trick, Laced with Treat

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Lemon! you've been properly warned

(Kyle)"If I dont I'm going to explode, and probably not enjoyably"

(C. Freddie)"that makes sense darling, you've got enough in you to maybe even match me"

She says with a wide smile, grabbing kyle by the shoulders and pulling him into a deep and rough kiss

(c. Chica)"Now that looks fun!"

She says, coming up behind Kyle and starting to run her hands along his chest and stomach as she bites on the lobe of his ear, Kyle's mind stuffy and already being overloaded from the two girls on him

C. Freddie then lets off his mouth, letting him breath again as she move down to his chest, tearing his shirt off at a worrying speed before starting to suck on his chest hard, the feeling making his whole chest tingle

C. Chica then begins to suck on his neck and up to his cheek, moving his head to do so

(Kyle)"'Wait, is that Ibuki?"'

Kyle thinks to himself before a change in feeling draws his attention back

Kyle looks back to a large pair of breasts, courtesy of C. chica who seemed to have switched with C. Freddie when he looked away

Its not a second between when he sees the two chicken breasts and when they cover his face

Kyle acts by instinct and takes one in his mouth, sucking on it like a desert wanderer just finding water

Kyle hears C. Chica moan, muffled because of the soft, pillowy bosom that he finds himself in

Kyle feels his member get wrapped by something hot and warm, feeling a tongue begin to work its way down towards the base as he begins to moan himself from the intense feeling

(Kyle)"Unf, Unf!"

Kyle says, finishing as he did with a surprised, guttural sound coming from below C. Chica as C. Freddie begins to cough

(C. Freddie)"Well that was fast, is that a side effect of the special ingredients?"

She says, C. Chica pulling off of Kyle's face as he breaths deeply and heavily, almost to the point of blacking out

(C. Chica)"Oh hey Y'all!"

C. Chica says with a wave, Kyle still trying to catch his breath as a crowd of girls walks up, all seemingly very excited

Kyle sees Mari, Foxy, and Goldie all walk towards his group, his now slightly clearer mind understanding what he has ahead of him

(Kyle)'"Oh god, this is going to last all night'"

He thinks to himself as Freddie, Chica, and mangle walk towards Ibuki's orgy

(Mari)"I don't even really need to listen to your minds to hear this mess. Mind if we join ladies?"

(C. Chica)"He's free to share darlings, Sharin is Carin"

She says, getting a laugh out of some of the girls around

(Kyle)"Hey Foxy, how come you arent with Ibuki by now?"

(Foxy)"I like to try everything lad, a buffet ye could call it"

(Goldie)"I guess I could say the same then"

They all say before C. Freddie clears her throat

(C. Freddie)"Welcome ladies, Kyle here has been given a special gift to greet us tonight"

(Foxy)"I can tell by lookin at him, he's lookin like he may burst right now waiting fer us"

(Kyle)"That's their fault, not mine"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now