Part 33 - Humanity

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Welcome back everyone, sorry for the delays here. Life and all that, plus I posted the first episode of One Man's Hell in Video format! Stay tuned to the end for more info. Peace.
Duality is a cooperative project by me and Hi_im_Fanta. We own some characters and ideas, locations, etc. Otherwise, things like FNIA belong to their rightful owners! With that out of the way, on with the part.

Kyle wakes up to the uncomfortable feeling of sweat covering him, his mind foggy as he rolls to the side and sits up. His eyes eventually focus as he sees Mario peek his head around the corner, walking in and leaning in the doorframe

(Mario)"So. It's later now. Think I could get an explanation of WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!"

He says, Kyle understanding his confusion

(Kyle)"Can I just do the short version? I'm going to have to explain this to nearly all of the girls tonight. There isn't too much to tell anyways"

(Mario)"I'm waiting"

(Kyle)"So, the gunshot to my leg caused some sort of infection. Doctors had to remove it to save my life"

He says, watching Mario's eyes just stare into him intensely

(Mario)"Okay, so first things first. Getting SHOT is NOT something you can lead with if there 'isn't too much to tell anyways' you dimwit"

(Kyle)"Oh yeah, I forgot you were out of town by then. Some crazy chick that Silver knew/dated I can't really remember came in and tried to shoot Ibuki but I dove over and took the hit"

(Mario)"Now I'm starting to understand at least. You should have told me!"

(Kyle)"You were on vacation, I didn't want to bother"

(Mario)"Okay, listen. There are certain things that warrant an interruption"

He says, Kyle letting his shoulders sag forward as he sighs

(Kyle)"You're right. Ill keep that in mind the next time I deal with a psycho ex-girlfriend with a gun"

(Mario)"Well at least then I can help!"

He says, both of them looking at each other before eventually Mario stands up off the door frame and walks out of the room

(Mario)"I made food cause I figured you'd need it"

(Kyle)"Now that you say that, I am hungry"

He says, Mario bringing food out to him as the two talk about everything they had missed, Kyle hearing all about Mario's pleasant trip back home to see his family and everything. Kyle talks about Ibuki taking over Baby's for Phoebe

(Mario)"How's Mari been doing since I was gone? Still designing things I hope? And hopefully not infected with anything"

(Kyle)"She's been good, no digging her fingers into my sides. Oh and by the way, Mari crafted up something wonderful for Winterfest that I'll let her show you. It's really funny on Blue"

(Mario)"Well now I'm just curious. You going to be staying home or will you be going in to work?"

(Kyle)"And pass up an opportunity to spend time with the gals? Not a chance"

(Mario)"Well, good to know that you haven't changed from all this"

(Kyle)"That's probably less of a positive than you'd think"

He says, the two laughing and cleaning up, Kyle making sure to change his bandages while he waits for the night to come. Eventually night comes, and the duo leave for the building, Mario making Kyle not drive despite his protests that he could

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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