Part 19 - Running Diversions

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You know what's here. Choose your favorite

Kyle wakes up back home, stretching as he rubs his eyes 

(Kyle)"I wonder what fuckery will be happening tonight?"

He says with a groan, laying back and checking the time

Mario walks into the room, giving Kyle a wave

(Mario)"Pretty nice place you got here man. Comfy bed there."

(Kyle)"Yeah. I do enjoy it a lot whenever im not working"

(Mario)"Figures. You have anything good to make up for breakfast? I guess I'm used to Ibuki always wanting to feed people"

(Kyle)"That is right up her alley huh. She got Chica to do cooking lessons or something a while back"

He says, Mario shrugging and opening up the fridge

(Mario)"You have a fridge like a college bachelor."

(Kyle)"It's cheaper than having loads of fancy ingredients. Plus it's plenty if you know what you're doing with what you got"

He says, grabbing some pancake mix and mixing it with water in a bowl

(Kyle)"How about pancakes then?"

(Mario)"Sounds good to me. Can't beat some pancakes before work"

(Kyle)"Speaking of, what's the time?" 

(Mario)"About 11:10"

(Kyle)"Jesus Mario! Tell me these things when I wake up"

He says, preparing pancakes at a rapid speed

(Mario)"Hey I was busy and you never asked."

He says, the Kyle finishing up the pancakes as the pair drove towards the convention

(Mario)"I have to ask, where did Silver and Blue come from?"

(Kyle)"What made that come into your head?"

(Mario)"Well it seems like they both are so, so unique I guess. Just such odd characters. Blue's a guy with a lotta problems, and Silver is so chill I'm surprised she doesn't just turn into a puddle"

(Kyle)"Well, they are from old locations from around the city. Mairusu is a better engineer than a entrepreneur it seems. I once just got really curious and went out to see how they looked after all this time. Silver was just chilling with her off switch flipped, and Blue had apparently been activated sometime in the last while and didnt want the place to go to shit. Either that or he was just really bored. He damn near took me out when I found him"

(Mario)"So how old is Blue?"

(Kyle)"Well, his place closed about 15 years ago."

(Mario)"Has he actually seen any maintenance person since then?"

(Kyle)"He must have since he got a stutter problem fixed, he also could hardly walk when I found him and one of his arms just stopped working"

(Mario)"That's not good then huh. I worry he may not be fully repaired or feeling 100% but I can't be sure about that"

(Kyle)"I'll keep my eye out, we are there after all"


He says, the two getting out of the car and meeting Ibuki at the door

(Ibuki)"Heya there you two. Can I ask a favor of you two?"

(Kyle and Mario)"Sure, what's up?"

(Ibuki)"I need you two to keep Mangle and BB distracted and away from the arcade, and if you could get it out of her then could you tell me BB's ideal gaming setup?"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang