Part 27 - Giving the Grand Tour

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Welcome back everyone. Again, DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is not something I'm personally knowledgeable about. If I get something wrong please tell me. Otherwise, everything belongs to it's rightful owners as always

Kyle drives home, mind switching between thinking about his encounter with Ibuki and with Vannie as he goes

(Kyle)"I hope I didn't get into a bad debt again like what happened with Foxy earlier. I still need to replace my guitar"

He says to himself as he gets home, walking up to his home and sitting down on the couch for a moment. Kyle then flicks on the TV for background noise as he looks through his phone at whatever is happening with his family

(News Anchor)"This just in. Break out at the local asylum. 4 patients escaped, but their identities have yet to be revealed. Be on the lookout for anyone acting suspicious and report them to your local police department or 911"

She says, cutting back to the weather afterwards as Kyle just watches with curiosity

(Kyle)"I didn't know that we still Had a mental hospital in this city. Fascinating"

He says as the nights work catches up with him, stretching as he turns off the TV and goes off to bed to sleep

Minor time skip. I do dream sequences and such too often to do another one right now

Kyle wakes up and stretches out, swinging his legs out of bed and walking over to the fridge for an afternoon breakfast

As he prepares his food, Kyle feels his phone buzz and sees that it was Phoebe calling him

(Kyle)"Sup boss."

(Phoebe)"Hey there Kyle. Ibuki will have to be absent tonight due to some medical issues she encountered. You've got the place to yourself"

(Kyle)"As much as I can with a horde of animatronic women running around the place"

(Phoebe)"Exactly. Have fun, and watch for intruders please. That break out this morning has me slightly worried"

(Kyle)"Why, someone you know break out?"

(Phoebe)"They still haven't let out any names quite yet, but I'm mostly worried because of the proximity of our establishment and the fact that it's full of booze"

She says, making Kyle sigh

(Kyle)"I'll be extra watchful of the exterior. I'll sweep the building when I get there to be sure nobody got in between closing and me getting there"

(Phoebe)"Perfect. Have a good night"

(Kyle)"You too. Bye"

He says, hanging up the phone with a sigh as he looks out the window, pangs of annoyance in his mind

(Kyle)"Ibuki I swear you better not have hurt yourself doing whatever while Mari wasn't there. She would feel awful knowing that you got injured doing something she showed you"

He says as he just sighs, shaking his head

(Kyle)"I'm probably overthinking things. Ibuki's a strong person"

He says as he finishes up his breakfast, putting the dishes away and getting dressed immediately afterwards

(Kyle)"Now let me see, I may need to pick some stuff up for Winterfest still. I'd need the Lover's Ice and the lanterns if the club doesn't have them already. Suppose it's time to give a daytime visit to the club to make sure of a thing or two before the stores close"

Kyle says as he gathers up his keys and wallet, heading out to the club and watching the snow come down quite heavy as he does

Kyle parks at the quite crowded dayclub, walking inside and giving a wave to Blue who looks somewhat shocked to see him

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now