Part 22 - Technical Difficulties

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Disclaim. You know the drill at this point
Kyle gets home and sits down, his mind occupied with thoughts about what Mairusu said

(Kyle)"Hm. What in the world could be causing his remote access to be screwed up?"

Kyle's mind wanders, going through reasons it could be screwing up when one cool sounding idea pops out

(Kyle)"Just imagine someone was launching a cyber attack to try and rob the place! These places seem to have a bad problem with getting robbed for one reason or another"

He says, looking around his place to see what sort of stuff could be helpful to protect the building in case it actually is a planned robbery

Kyle doesn't find much that could be useful in a robbery situation, only stopping when he sees the sun rising outside

(Kyle)"Well then. I guess I oughta sleep if I don't want to suffer tonight" 

He says, giving a quick yawn before going to bed for a while, the nights exhaustion catching up to him finally as his brain slows down after a couple hours of not letting him rest.

Kyle wakes up after a dreamless sleep, getting out of bed and seeing that he had nearly half a day until he had to go back into work

(Kyle)"How to burn a day off. Hm. I guess it's more like an afternoon and all that but still, how the hell do I pass the time?"

He says, pacing around his bedroom with boredom taunting him

(Kyle)"Why don't I go on a walk through the city? Maybe see if there's a restaurant that's open now and not too busy?"

He says, putting on a warm coat and grabbing some earbuds to occupy his mind with music as he walked around

He steps outside and immediately feels the warmth of the afternoon sun on his face, the feeling relaxing him as he walks around

Kyle just walks, turning left or right at any intersection as music plays in his ears and his mind is just occupied with enjoying it when he feels his stomach growl

(Kyle)"Oh yeah, I was going to go get food"

He says, looking around him and seeing that there was a cafe that he was right across the street from him

(Kyle)'"Haven't seen this place anywhere in town. Let's try it"'

He thinks to himself as he walks across the road, seeing that the place was named 'The Beans Knees'

(Kyle)"'That alone is enough to make me not want to go in, but why not?"'

He says, walking in to see a classic cafe layout, with the counter right across the room from the door and with tables on either side

A guy behind the counter sees Kyle come in and looks up from something and flashes a smile

(Worker)"Hi there sir! Welcome to The Beans Knees. What can I get you?"

(Kyle)"Hey there. Well, what do you recommend to eat?"

(Worker)"Well let's see, the chocolate croissants are one of my favorites"

(Kyle)"Sounds great. I think I'll take three of those then, that and a plain coffee please."

The worker nods and writes the order down, placing it in a spinny wheel thing that spun the order back towards what Kyle assumed was the kitchen

(Worker)"Can I get a name for the order?"

(Kyle)"Oh yeah, um it's Kyle. Kyle Jansen."

(Worker)"Got it. Order will be out in a few"

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