Part 21 - Mending Bridges

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Now if you know guitar or music, I don't. I hope I get close enough at least. There's your disclaimer.

Kyle arrives home with a yawn, his eyes dry and his body heavy as he zombies in through the front door, laying down on the couch with the sun beginning to surface and beam through the window, conveniently right in Kyle's eyes of course as he turns towards the cushion of the couch and yawns. He then falls asleep right there and enjoys what little sun was warming the back of his neck as he rested

Kyle wakes up with drool on his hand, his eyes all foggy as he stands up and wipes his hand, wiping his mouth too while he was at it

(Kyle)"Ugh, hate naps like that, they fuck me up more than any booze really could"

He says, wiping his eyes and sitting back down on the very warm couch

(Kyle)"I guess I should try to find stuff to teach guitar with then huh."

He says, setting the guitar by the door again before walking towards his bedroom, stopping in the door

(Kyle)"First? Food."

He says, turning around and walking to the fridge instead

(Kyle)"I guess some chicken doesn't sound bad"

He says, grabbing the chicken out and warming it up as he looks down at his phone

(Kyle)"Nothing going on then huh. Lame."

He says, putting his phone away and pulling the chicken out of the fridge

Kyle sits down with the bird and puts a piece in his mouth, the moment it touched his tongue he felt how dry the meat was

(Kyle)"Nevermind. Chicken does sound bad"

He says, quickly eating the rest of the dry poultry and washing it down with a glass of water

(Kyle)"Well, that sucked. Off to look for guitar books then"

He says, going to his closet finally and sorting through all the junk he took with him to college

He finally finds the old instruction books that got him through guitar

(Kyle)"Hah. I'll finally have one up on Foxy though! Always flaunting her speed, now I'm the one who's better at something!"

He says with a wide grin, hoping it goes away before she sees him grinning so proudly

Kyle gathers up the few books that will help and his guitar, piling them into his car and driving to the club a little early to sneak the items past Ibuki

(Kyle)"I better text Ibuki so she doesn't come looking for me"

He says, setting his stuff down and pulling his phone out

(Kyle)'Hey ibi, I'll be having to stay home for a bit into the night, so you'll likely be riding solo tonight'

He says, grinning evilly at his oh so evil deception

(Kyle)"I should move my car then. That'd foil this plan quickly"

He says, going back and parking his car behind the building where the front lot wasnt visible, sneaking back inside and bringing all his stuff back stage to Foxy's area

Foxy was asleep in a beanbag type chair, shirtless and snoring with her head laid back and her arms behind her head

(Kyle)"Damnit foxy. Even in your sleep"

Kyle mutters to himself as he clears his throat

Mangle then walks in from behind a wall, wearing just a shirt and if she was wearing anything else, Kyle couldn't tell before she noticed him there and dove back

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