Part 5 - Pasts Uncovered

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Note: Characters and ideas all belong to their respective owners, those people being Scott Cawthon, Mairusu Paua, and some belonging to my friend Hi_im_Chill


Kyle arrives home, looking again at the text Mairusu sent and writing down both addresses before sitting down, resting as much as he can before his little expedition

(Kyle)"Those places should be interesting to see at least, I wonder why they were abandoned? And why haven't they been demolished yet? Eh, questions for another time."

He says, running his hand through his hair for a second, yawning as he went and made a cup of coffee

(Kyle)"I don't really feel like sleeping just yet."

He says to himself as he drinks the full mug in just a few swigs, letting out a sigh at the last few drops

(Kyle)"That should keep me going for a little bit. Now, let's get moving. The clock is ticking after all"

He says, grabbing a flashlight, a beanie with a set of Bluetooth headphones inside, and at a final glance, a water bottle

(Kyle)"Well, that should be everything I'll need then."

He says, grabbing his keys and leaving his apartment at around 12, according to the clock in the hallway

Kyle gets into his car, driving to the first location which his map says is called Freddie's Anime Pizzeria, apparently the later of the two to close

(Kyle)"Now why would this place close?"

He said, looking up the locations name and only finding that it had closed 8 years ago, shrugging as he pulls out of the parking lot and begins the 25 minute drive towards the place

Kyle arrives and sees the front of the building, there wasn't a sign out front anymore or anything but the parking lot out front, where it wasn't destroyed, was pretty large.

(Kyle)"This should be the place, lets get to exploring then"

He says, putting on and turning on his hat, putting on some music as he walks through the front door, flashlight shining and illuminating the dark room ahead of him, moving inside and eventually seeing a few tables, an old stage, and a hallway at the other end of the room

(Kyle)"That stage looks like a death sentence, I should try to avoid that if possible"

He says, walking past it down the hall at the other end of the room, turning to the right and seeing a sign above one of the doors that says 'Golden Diner'

(Kyle)"Hm. That's odd, I wonder why we don't have that at the dayclub? Why was it the Golden diner too? Did they have a different set of animatronics here or something?"

He says, looking inside and seeing a smaller stage, about half the size of the main one with a small group of tables in front of it, graffiti on some of the walls

(Kyle)"Wonder who decided to turn this place into their hideout? This doesn't exactly seem comfortable to hang out in"

he says with a shrug following it, moving out of that room and down to the next door, the sign above this one labelled it as the 'Silver Ca', the sign being broken off near the end

(Kyle)"'I would assume that that's supposed to say Silver Cafe, but who knows? Could be some weird word that I haven't heard of before"'

He says, walking inside to see a room that was much cleaner than the others, but that wasn't saying much anyways. The difference was minor, but noticeable

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