Part 11 - Regret

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Just a disclaimer: FNIA doesn't belong to me, and all images, ideas, and characters belong to their respective owners.

Kyle opens his eyes, seeing that he was not laying down where he remembered laying down

(Kyle)"'What? When did I leave the theatre?"'

He thought to himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as a headache begins to stir

(Kyle)"How much did I do when I was out?"

He says, Ibuki sitting next to him as he realizes he was in the office

(Ibuki)"Way more than I think you want to know, and a bit I'd rather you didn't know"

She says, Kyle's face scrunching up in thought

(Kyle)"I don't like what that implies"

(Ibuki)"Well then don't think about it much"

She says, Kyle responding with a shrug as he rubs his eyes

(Kyle)"I feel like shit"

(Ibuki)"No wonder. You drank way too much man"

She says, Kyle sighing

(Kyle)"Yeah, but it was fun-"

He says, the sound of the phone going off making him jump and tense up at the sudden and painful noise as he quickly picks up the line

(Mairusu)"Hey there! I hope you didn't trash the place Too much, but even if you did it's still your job to clean up what's left of your party. After that, I need you guys to check on the wiring in this place. It seems like there is a problem with the lights and it isn't the lights themselves. Besides that you have the place to yourselves. Have a good night."

He says, thankfully keeping it short as Kyle lets out a sigh while tilting his head back

(Kyle)"Ugh I'm glad he kept it short, I can't listen to something like that stupid phone with my heads splitting like it is now"

(Ibuki)"Well, maybe that'll teach you something old man. You literally tried to outdrink a robot"

(Kyle)"And? I was close wasn't I?"

(Ibuki)"Sure, as close as someone gets to pushing a car up Mount Everest"

She says, Kyle smiling at the comment

(Kyle)"Did you get a chance to clean up? I can't really remember if we did or not"

(Ibuki)"Yeah we cleaned the place up. It was really simple because nobody really tried to do anything too stupid besides you."

She says

(Kyle)"You really won't let me live that one down then"

(Ibuki)"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. You certainly deserve it though"

(Kyle)"Yeah yeah I know, lets just get this task done so I can go back to sleep where pain isn't"

He says, Ibuki nodding as the pair both stand up to leave, grabbing a security phone each

(Kyle)"Any idea where we would be able to check wiring?"

(Ibuki)"Nope. I'm thinking we ask the girls if they know"

(Kyle)"Good idea there. Start with the main three, then move to the golden sisters if they don't know. It's probably in parts and services anyways but it's good to be sure"

He says, walking out the office with Ibuki behind him. They quickly reach the stage to see the main 3 talking with DJ about whatever

(DJ)"Hey there Kyle! How you feeling?"

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