Part 13 - Nightmares

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As always: This story is a Collab. Check out the other POV for a story that shows a similar setting, but a different spin for sure. Things, ideas, and characters all belong to their respective people as always my dudes.

Kyle opens his eyes slowly, taking in what appears to be a confined metal box that revealed nothing but darkness behind him and in front of him

(Kyle)"Hm? What is this? I'm in a....vent? That's kinda-I'm not gonna finish that-"

He says to himself, working his way onto his hands and knees to the darkness that was around him as his mind woke up, becoming aware of the place he had been put into

(Kyle)"Oh no, no, no, no. Not something like this please. These things make my anxiety go nuts, why'd I have to get so confined with just my imagination to run wild as I'm forced to go through this hell?"

He says to himself, taking a shaky breath as he goes forward into the nothing, only the noise of his rapid breaths and the creaking of thin aluminum breaking the silence

Kyle's ears had gotten used to the monotonous noise, so the sound coming from around him that sounded more like metal on metal at random intervals made his mind race

(Kyle)"'Ok ok it's all in your head it's ALL in your damn Head. You are Not insane there is just creaking"'

He thinks to himself, his heart not listening as he sees a new light ahead of him, crawling towards it with blinding speed fueled solely by fear

Kyle finds himself in a box where he can at least stand, looking to see that he is in a dead end.

(Kyle)"Ugh, at least I can stand here. Just gotta stay till I wake up"

He says, sitting down and putting his head on his knees. He rests a moment when suddenly, the room begins to move with a loud *Clunk*, a tauntingly upbeat tone playing as he seemed to descend further downward

(Kyle)"It's just your imagination man it's fine. It'll all end here soon"

He said, the room finally stopping. Kyle then stands up and looks at the four closely packed walls, seeing that each had a hatch that opened up on it, like a miniature security door to the office

(Kyle)"Oh fuck no"

Kyle says, prying open one of the doors with surprising ease, only to realize they were all already opening

(?)"Ooooo quite the lucky guess! It's only like a 50/50 right? Hey you would know since I think you're smart enough right? How about you-"

A voice comes out from in front of him, Kyle's heart beginning to race again as the voice is seemingly muffled in the middle of it's sentence, returning the room to silence

(?)"Sorry bout my friend there, she's a real handful ya know. She don't know when t' just quiet on down ya know?"

Another voice coming from the vent behind him as he spins around, the voice having a heavy southern drawl on it

(Kyle)"Who's there, show yourself for gods sake!"

He says, fear clearly showing through his words as giggling echos through the vents surrounding him

(N. Chica)"I guess I'll talk bout myself now, I'm Nightmare Chica, and I look a lot like the gal you seem to know real well out there"

She says, sliding forward into the already cramped room and going face to face with Kyle, making him turn red despite the fear he felt

(N. Chica)"Well ain't you a gentleman, you's gettin' all embarrassed and such from little ol' me"

She says, grinning as she did

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon