Part 8 Continued - Trial End

191 4 28

All characters belong to their respective owners, as usual. 


Kyle looks back to the crowd staring at him, seeing their lustful expressions and the words of Ibuki's friend echoing in his ears

(Kyle)"'The doors are blocked, did they know that? Why are they still acting this aggressive?'"

He thinks to himself, trying to see a way around what awaits him, looking for any gaps in the crowd

(Kyle)"'If only I could do that shoulder check thing again, it's super shitty luck to mess up my shoulder there. Of all the times"'

He thinks to himself as he looks around at the girls, now closing in slowly

(Kyle)'"This is bad news, I really don't like how this could possibly go, and best case scenario we both just break free and then what?"'

He thinks, letting out a shaky breath

He suddenly sees a hole in the crowd, located between Foxy Silver

(Kyle)"yo Ibuki! gap between the Foxy and Silver. Run for it on my lead, Okay?"

Kyle whispers loudly as Ibuki nods nervously, her shifting forward and looking over to him slightly

Kyle then shoots off, dashing like a madman for the hole he found as he hears Ibuki right behind him

(Kyle)"'She must have good reflexes"'

He thinks to himself as he slides between the swing of Foxy, but is harshly stopped as his collar tightens and he almost falls over


Kyle says, his voice constricted by the still tight collar as he looks over his shoulder, and to his horror he sees that Ibuki was already locked lips with Foxy, her eyes wide in surprise and Foxy's hook through her waistband

(Mario)"Hello? You guys there? What happened?"

Kyle hears, his eyes and everyone else's drawn to the phone on the ground

(Mario)"Ibuki, you there? is this a prank?" 

He says as Kyle hears a quick and heavy set of footprints behind him as he sees Blue running with a fierce expression, and almost no clothing on

(Blue)"Sorry to burst in here! I'll be taking this!"

He says, running and grabbing the phone before sprinting off again, everyone still dumbfounded as foxy still has Ibuki's face against hers, but just with her eye open and Ibuki struggling a little bit.

(Kyle)"'She has a lot of pink on her face, and it is Foxy who she saw the most... Oh, this may not be her least favorite thing"

He thinks as he remembers that he himself is still trapped as he looks back, seeing that Silver still had a strong grip on his collar

(Kyle)"'If this is how I die I don't think I would mind it much"'

He says as Silver releases his collar, but only as his arms and legs are grabbed

(Silver)"Oh Kyle, you were really kind in bringing me here, so I imagine it's about time I returned the favor"

She says with a wide grin as Kyle's body reacts differently than how his brain feels

(Kyle)"'Guess they say that the dick has a mind of it's own"'

(Chica)"Seems like he knows what's coming next~"

She says as Kyle is then picked up and carried off, making eye contact with Ibuki one last time and seeing that she seemed to be...smiling?

(Kyle)"I mean, she literally took her out on a date so I imagine she's on cloud nine right now"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora