Part 24 - Back to the Basics

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I think I'm running dry on disclaimer ideas

(Ibuki)"Been a long time eh? Glad to be working with you again hot stuff~"

Ibuki says, the voice coming from further down the hall

(Kyle)"That isn't good. If this VANNIE whatever is something that worries someone like Jenna, then it must be bad"

He says, moving down the hall towards the main room as he checks the time

(Kyle)"Only 5:05, why's time got to move so damn slow when we have to deal with shit like this?"

He says, hearing Ibuki talking in the main area

(Ibuki)"It's been a while since I could truly move around. It get's boring in that suit you know?"

She says, confusing Kyle as he inches closer to where Ibuki was talking before seeing Ibuki standing with Chica in front of Jenna, who was sat down in a stool at the bar

(Jenna)"Well it was supposed to be that you were trapped forever. It would have been a fitting end for you"

(Ibuki)"Well that's just rude Jenna, What did I do to deserve something like that?"

(Jenna)"Oh I don't know, attempted to enslave me and most my friends? Possibly the world?"

(Ibuki)"For their own sake! It's...Kyle?"

She says, looking in Kyle's direction as he dips behind the corner and stays completely still, hoping that she missed him

(Jenna)"What do you mean Kyle?"

She says as Kyle goes to peek back around the corner, being met with a bright yellow face that makes him nearly jump out of his skin

(Chica)"Ugh, are you sure I can't just get him now?"

She says as she grabs Kyle with both hands, gripping him hard and holding him down

(Ibuki)"Bring him over here Chica."

She says, Chica sighing as she picks Kyle up

(Kyle)"Hey! Let me down!"

He says as he starts to struggle against her grip. Kyle feels himself loosen a little, but it was quickly undone as chica squeezes him hard, hurting his arms and making Kyle stop struggling

Kyle gets sat down beside Jenna, Chica going back to Ibuki's side

(Ibuki)"Thank you dear. Now introductions are really in order. I am Vannie, and while it is a pleasure to meet you the true pleasure comes later."

(Kyle)"Alright then Vannie, why are you doing this? Jenna said enslavement and I have reason to believe that given what I've seen here"

(Vannie)"You don't listen enough old man! I am Not enslaving these girls, I am simply freeing them from the shackles of embarrassment and restraint! They have such potential and are stuck in such limiting forms"

She says, irking Kyle

(Kyle)"Don't call me Old Man. That's Ibuki who says that, and you are NOT her. And what you say about freeing them from embarrassment and restraint? Thats bullshit. You just them to follow your orders instead of someone else's"

Vannie just sighs, whispering something to Chica that makes her face light up

(Chica)"Oh Kyle, and Jenna too, we have some special events planned!"

She says, starting towards them menacingly before the door to the closet gets flung open, Blue running out and slamming it behind him

(Blue)"Stay out of the closet! There's something wrong with Cursed Freddie!"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now