Part 15 - Trick or Treat?

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You know what goes here. It's part 15.

Kyle wakes up, his head disagreeing with him slightly as he gets up

(Kyle)"Why a headache? I just woke up"

He says, to himself more than anything as he grabs an aspirin and takes it with a drink of water

(Kyle)"Now let's hope that Ibuki joins me so that we can get these nightmares made. The longer I have this bite on my neck the longer I don't want something worse happening"

He says, shuddering at what they might do if they got impatient, grabbing his keys, and almost leaving the building before thinking a moment

(Kyle)"'Wait, so if I am going to be working on animatronic frames all night, they're gonna be heavy right? I don't want to screw up my back. I better grab a support belt"'

He says, grabbing a thick leather belt with tall back support and wrapping it around his stomach

(Kyle)"Now we leave"

Kyle arrived to the club, his headache finally fading as he steps out of his car with a yawn, seeing a familiar face

(Ibuki)"Hey there old man! How was the night last night?"

(Kyle)"More of the same. Your day off?"

(Ibuki)"Pretty casual, pretty needed. You should take one sometime!"

(Kyle)"Eh I'll get to it eventually I'm sure. I'd rather be working than doing nothing though"

(Ibuki)"I guess I can get that. Oh I brought someone"

She says, gesturing towards her car as a yellow head pokes out and is followed by the rest of the double wide chicken, giving a wide wave that makes her whole body rock back and forth

(Chica)"Hey there Kyle! Did ya miss me?"

She says excitedly

(Kyle)"I knew I was missing someone last night! Why were you with Ibuki?"

(Kyle)"'I forgot that she wasn't there, there are so many girls in that place to worry about"'

Kyle thinks to himself, making sure to not break the girls heart or anything

(Chica)"Well, Ibuki's friend Marinara rented me out to make her day off more fun! I think he meant to get foxy instead, but I got to have a really nice day off!"

(Ibuki)"She's good at games that's for sure"

(Kyle)"Damn you really had a good time then I guess"

He says, the group nodding as another person comes out of the car

(Mario)"Like I said, my name's Mario. Not Marinara"

(Chica)"Oops, heh, I always get the two mixed up. It's such an old game"

She says, making Kyle frown

(Kyle)"Hey it's not That old now, it was still having games made when I was young and all"

(Ibuki)"Yeah but you're old though so that doesn't mean much"


(Riley)"Yeah they aren't that bad of a franchise really. Fun games and just very retro"

(Kyle)"Grr. Let's just get this night going already"

(Ibuki)"Aw is someone a little grumpy? Well then let's put you to work"

(Kyle)"I'm feeling fine don't worry, just joking around. Also why did you wait so long Riley?"

(Riley)"Dramatic entrance, comedic timing, etc. You'll learn the tricks one day"

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