Part 14 - Planning and Struggling

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This is a disclaimer warning, but you've seen them many times before. Just read one of the previous ones, your pick.

Kyle lays down in his bed, eyes glued to the ceiling as he thinks about the cuts on his neck and the way those nightmares can become real

(Kyle)"This is going to be a pain. Trying to build animatronics from scratch is hard enough, but 4 of them? This is only going to be difficult"

He says, sleep refusing to pull him in as he tosses and turns through the night

(Kyle)"Fine then. My brain doesn't want me to sleep? No sleep it is."

He says, angrily getting out of bed and thinking back to the night

(Kyle)"It shouldn't be that bad at least, Ibuki got plans right? It's probably still in the office or something"

He says, his brain resting enough that he begins to feel tired again as he goes back into bed to sleep

Kyle sleeps without another nightmare, thankfully. He then wakes up to his nighttime alarm with a tired gaze

(Kyle)"Just how many days have I been working here now? It feels like months have passed but it's hardly been long"

He says as he gets ready for the night

Kyle shows up to the club about 10 minutes early, yawning as he entered the building and sat down in the office

(Kyle)"Oh yeah those plans are probably in here"

He said, looking over the desk to see that the plans were, in fact, Not in the office.

(Kyle)"Well great. At least Ibuki could tell me where they are when she gets here."

Kyle hears the phone ring and jumps out of his skin, answering soon after

(Mairusu)"Hey there! You've got a special task tonight. You'll be working on making a room for those new animatronics you've been looking at creating there. I'll leave it up to you guys to design it. Jenna will be joining you tonight as well, so be sure to welcome her in"

He says, ending the call soon after

(Kyle)"Alright then. If Ibuki doesn't show up here soon I'm going to start looking for her. Until then I'll try to think of what in the heck to do here"

He says, racking his brain for ideas

After a wait of about 20 minutes with no good ideas coming to mind, Kyle stands up and stretches his legs

(Kyle)"Alright Ibuki. Where are you?"

He says, standing up and preparing to look for someone probably being screwed

Kyle walks out of the office and peeks into the prize corner at first, making sure Mari didn't catch her and smother her, only to find nothing out of the ordinary

(Kyle)"now where would she be? More like where would she be taken?"

Kyle thinks to himself as he sighs, walking towards Foxy's little tropical paradise

(Kyle)"Foxy? You there?"

(Foxy)"Aye! C'mon in lad. You needin a lady tonight?"

Kyle walks in and sees Foxy sitting in a comfortable looking armchair

(Kyle)"Yes and no. Have you seen Ibuki anywhere?"

(Foxy)"Clearly lad! It'd be hard to miss her round here. I saw that sexy lass yesterday in fact"

(Kyle)"So did I. I'm asking if you've seen Ibuki Today"

He says, Foxy giving a wide grin with mischief in her eye

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