Part 18 - Tragedy

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(Kyle)"Somethings up back at the club, sounds like Mangle's in trouble?"

(Chica)"Do we have to go? I'm sure there are enough people there to help out"

(Kyle)"Well I'd love to just stay here all night with you, but I do have to work and this just so happen to pair up at a good time"

(Chica)"Well we'll have to reschedule then. You know where to find me"

She says as she gets up, stretching her back and yawning as Kyle gets stuff packed up, throwing it into the car quickly and haphazardly

(Chica)"So did you see what the accident was in that text or whatever?"

(Kyle)"Sadly no. It must be bad though to be calling us back in"

(Chica)"What sort of thing could have happened though?"

(Kyle)"That's what's on my mind, what in the club could be enough for something like us being called in urgently to be warranted?"

He says, Chica shrugging and watching outside as they approach the club, getting out and walking towards the door when a set of heavy and quick footsteps approaches rapidly, a red blur going by that almost bulldozed Kyle

(Chica)"I'll get a quick headstart"

She says, walking into the building as Ibuki walks up to Kyle

(Ibuki)"Did Mario tell you anything more? All I heard was that Foxy should be there"

(Kyle)"Well I had just about as much. No real clue how bad this is to need us both in ASAP"

He says, the two starting for the door when a scream is heard from both Foxy and Chica, the duo speeding up as they meet Riley and Mario who direct them towards the Cursed Room

Kyle forces his way through the crowd of girls to where Mangle was, sickeningly torn up on stage with a macabre glitter covering her and the remains of some device

(Kyle)"What the fuck? Mangle what happened?!"

(BB)"It was supposed to be harmless! I was just going to surprise her with glitter for the grand opening of the new area and I stacked a bunch of glitter on the fans, but the weight mixed with full speed must have knocked it loose right above her"

She says, regret obvious in her voice as Foxy twitches, going still as she lets down Mangle and looks over her shoulder at BB, eyes full of rage

(Foxy)"You mean to fucking tell me, you tried to pull another one of those stupid ass pranks that NOBODY appreciates or enjoys besides YOU, and you fucked up My Sister?!"

She yells at her, stomping after her and pinning her by the throat against the wall, bringing her hook hand up and aiming it towards BB, Bonnie and Ibuki both dashing forward and grabbing her before she can do what she seemed to be planning

Kyle feels frozen in place as he looks away towards the stage, the yelling of Foxy at her two voices of reason getting drowned out as Kyle starts to think

(Kyle)"'Glitter couldn't make that fan fall, not even loads of it. And high speeds? They are made to go that Fucking fast! I need to get up there to look but I'm afraid I know exactly why this happened, and it's my fault"'

He thinks to himself, accidentally locking eyes with Mangle for a moment, her eyes filled with pain and sadness as she looks over at Foxy who seems to have said something Very wrong, Blue shaking his head at the side of the room, Silver and Jenna shocked, and Bonnie and even Ibuki looking Oh so pissed off

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