Part 3 - After Hours

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Quick disclaimer: All original characters belong to Mairusu Paua, and those originals belong to Scott Cawthon. Only a few characters belong to me and my friend Hi_im_Chill.


Kyle wakes up at 2:30 pm, sitting up and grabbing his phone from next to his bed as he ran his hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head as he waits for his eyes to focus on the bright little screen.

(Kyle)"It looks like I've got a few texts. That's odd, maybe Mairusu needed to tell me something?"

His eyes finally focus, revealing that the message were from an unknown number as he was about to delete them, but he saw that one of them began with a very short introduction

(Ibuki)'Hi! It's me, Ibuki! I ju-'

He reads before fully opening the message

(Kyle)"How did she get my number? When did she get my number? Why did she? You know what, it's fine by me."

He mumbles to himself as he reads the rest of the message

(Ibuki)'just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out a bit. I was kinda bored and didn;t know much about you sooooo, why not?'

(Kyle)"Must be that my great charm and striking good looks weren't what caused a woman to text me. damnit"

He says with a chuckle as he reads the next message

(Ibuki)'If you had anywhere you like to go, or any hobbies we have in common we could do those! I don't care too much, but I do have a spot I want to go to for some food. Just text me whenever you see this! See ya later crocodile'

Kyle reads the last sentence she sent, getting dressed as he suddenly stops and looks again at it

(Kyle)"Why in the world? You were so close to either of those sayings. Why"

He mutters before getting fully dressed, putting on a dry-fit shirt and some sweatpants before texting Ibuki back

(Kyle)'I don't have many hobbies besides some games and exercise. I do like food though, so that sounds good to me.'

He sends this and then walks to the bathroom, washing his face of dust and putting in his contact lenses, hearing his phone go off immediately as he finishes that

(Ibuki)'Exercise is fun! I go to a gym 1400 Rockwell Rd. They have about everything you could use. Let's meet there!'

Kyle reads this and types the address into his phone, seeing that this place was only about 10 minutes away as he shrugged, typing a quick message back while gathering some old weightlifting gear like belts, gloves, and a water bottle

(Kyle)'Ok. See you in 10.'

He then walks towards the door, grabbing a banana on the way and peeling it as he walked to his car, pulling onto the road as he ate. 

He eventually arrived to the gym, the large glass wall facing the road proving that this place had some money in it as he stepped out of his car, walking towards the double doors up front

(Kyle)"Keeping these windows clean must be a pain in the ass"

(Ibuki)"Yeah I don't ever see them cleaned while I'm here"

She says from behind him as he jumps again

(Kyle)"Damnit Hi! You have got to stop doing that!"

He yells out somewhat, not angry just surprised

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