Part 30 - Happy Holidays

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It's been a few minutes my friends. I also know that it isn't near any holidays I'm aware of, but it is in the story, so enjoy my dear readers.

Kyle stirs awake, his leg uncomfortable as he rubs his eyes, the unfamiliar ceiling making him wonder if this was a dream for a moment

Kyle sits up with a yawn, looking around and seeing Ibuki laying with her chest out from under the blanket, which was barely even on her. Kyle's mind registers what he's seeing as he looks away, not wanting to get on Ibuki's bad side at the very beginning of the day.

(Kyle)"Whelp, time to get up and try to find my clothes"

Kyle says, moving to get up and failing, his lower legs more trapped than he thought as he pulls the blanket back and sees BB laying down on his legs, giving a big grin when they lock eyes


(BB)"Morning Kyle! Feeling horny?"


He mumbles in response, still trying to wake up as BB moves up and pushes him back onto his back

(BB)"Why am I here? Well I felt a little bad about last night, so I figured I'd keep you company, but then you were asleep. So then I decided I'd keep you company a little longer you know?"

(Kyle)"Well, I appreciate it, so I'll just get up and get decent."

He says, trying to get up as BB pushes him down again and goes up on her knees over his stomach, looking down into his eyes, Kyle's brain waking up and making his body react finally

(BB)"Hehe, I feel something"

(Kyle)"No shit!"

(Ibuki)"Now that's a pretty hot thing to wake up and see"

She says, her hair in a mess as she looks over at the two of you, Kyle shuffling to pull a blanket up to cover himself a little

(Ibuki)"You still act like I haven't seen you naked you dork, man I still feel tired"

(Kyle)"Let me have a little dignity here"

(BB)"Why would I do that?"

(Kyle)"Not you! I already know you'd say no. I'm asking her"

(Ibuki)"Hmm, ask me later, need food"

She says, getting up and stretching 

(Ibuki)"Oh? Clothes?"

(Kyle)"Oh nice, we got our clothes back?"

(Ibuki)"Well, not really"

She says, turning around with Freddie's black, red, and white colored suit on a hanger, along with a pair of really frilly pink underwear

(Ibuki)"It seems like it'll be cozy, but if I know anything about suits, its that they are usually made for just one person. I also never pegged Freddie for a lingerie type of girl"

(BB)"Pegging Freddie? What?"

(Kyle)"BB, shut up. Why do you have that?"

(Ibuki)"You tell me! Oh well, it's clothes. I'll leave you two to have some fun, and BB, try not to break him? We don't need him back in the hospital"

She says, putting the outfit on as a note falls out, Ibuki picking it up and reading it

(Ibuki)"Oh interesting. This solves the question of why now"


(Ibuki)"Whoever wears another persons outfit the longest seems to get some reward"

(Kyle)"I imagine everyone will be mixed up. How fun"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now