Part 20 - Time Catches All

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This part is a little bit less light-hearted than the others. It's not over the top, but it is something I've wanted to write for ages. Enjoy! That's your disclaimer.

Kyle wakes up slowly, his mind groggy as he stretched back

(Kyle)"Good morning"

He says

(Mario)"Did you even know I was in here?"

(Kyle)"Given my weird life I just figured someone was there. How was yesterday for you?"

(Mario)"Well, you saw BB kicking my ass at arcade games. Good job getting that computer set up out of her though"

(Kyle)"She's pretty easy to understand thankfully. The benefit of the girls still being partly robotic"

He says, Mario raising an eyebrow

(Mario)"I think that they are too complex to say That. They are just like people in that regard"

Kyle listens for a moment, shrugging when Mario finishes talking

(Kyle)"Maybe I just understand BB pretty well then"

(Mario)"Either way, I pulled some leftover pizza from the fridge. How long has that been there?"

(Kyle)"Oh shit yeah, That's bad by now. I'll make another one now if we have a couple hours"

He says, checking the time

(Kyle)"Yeah I've got time"

(Mario)"Since when could you bake pizza? Ibuki may have you give her your recipe if it's good"

(Kyle)"It's a family recipe"

(Mario)"How homemade is it?"

(Kyle)"I make the dough myself, not the sauce and cheese and whatever, but the doughs the best part really"


(Kyle)"Can you get the yeast out of the fridge for me?"

He says, Mario nodding and walking off as Kyle gets out of bed and dressed

Kyle walks out and sees the yeast on the counter, grabbing a large bowl and filling it with warm water

(Kyle)"Wake up the yeast in warm water"

He says to himself, tired and working off of muscle memory

He sets down the bowl of started dough, putting it next to the heating oven so that the heat will let the dough rise

(Mario)"So you said it's a family recipe?"

(Kyle)"Yup. My moms recipe to be exact. She's a wonderful woman really, I really need to reconnect with her sometime"

He says, getting slightly sad as he thinks of all the time that had passed

(Kyle)"Either way, give it about 20 to 25 minutes. Dough needs to rise"

(Mario)"I think you're the first person I've seen to make their own dough, it's a lost art"

(Kyle)"True. It lets you season the dough itself with things like oregano, garlic, thyme, etc. All the classics"

(Mario)"Right. You'll have to bring some tonight to take to your girlfriend"

(Kyle)"Right. Wait, what?"

He says, looking over at a grinning Mario

(Mario)"Oh don't give me that look, you took her on a date! She likes you, you like her, what's the problem?"

FNIA: Duality (Kyle Side) (Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now