Part 25 - The Totally Useful Plan

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Welcome back people. Hope you enjoy this part! I've been thinking about it for almost 2 months after all, whoo boy that's a while now...

Jenna just sighs and sits back, looking around the room as Kyle does the same

(Kyle)"So...what do I need to know?"

(Phoebe)"Besides power outage causing a hard reset and bodily fluids being the transfer method, it's not too complicated"

She says, Kyle nodding

(Kyle)"So how do we trigger a power outage? Jenna mentioned a generator surge switch but even Mangle couldn't find one"

(Phoebe)"Unfortunate. Also, an off topic question, why is Mangle so....different from when I last saw her?"

She asks, Mangle gesturing towards Kyle as he looks away

(Kyle)"I'd, rather not say right now. Long story"

He says, Phoebe just shrugging and looking back to the group

(Phoebe)"Alright. We have two priorities here before anything else. Curing the infected, and destroying the virus."

She says, everyone nodding along

(Phoebe)"It's much easier to take care of the infected girls, though an infected human is more annoying. The girls just need a power outage to overflow their systems and reset them, but the human will need to get a kill code used to unbind the virus from the person and put it back into the suit"

(Jenna)"Do you still have that code from last time saved?"

She asks, Phoebe grinning

(Phoebe)"Not only do I have it, I've made it more convenient too"

She says, reaching into her bag and pulling out a USB

(Phoebe)"This here is a new and improved kill code! The model I tested it on didn't just move it out of the person, it destroyed the virus itself. With this little thing I should be able to destroy VANNIE at the source"

She says with a grin, slipping it back into her pocket

(Kyle)"Well, it sounds like our plan is simple enough then. Why not charge in now to get it done with?"

(Jenna)"We need caution here. You can't underestimate VANNIE, and we need rest. There's no real use in going in during the day when everyone is tired and we can't really drain the power"

She says, Riley seeming to have a thought

(Riley)"Oh! We should get some roles organized so that we can do this well. Like we'll need someone like Phoebe there to actually be dealing with Ibuki, as well as some people draining the power and keeping the girls distracted"

(Phoebe)"Smart. Who's up for what?"

(Kyle)"I'll join in with Phoebe to help deal with Ibuki"

(Jenna)"I'll make sure Kyle doesn't try anything"

(Riley)"I guess it would be smart to have me and Mario keeping the girls distracted"

She says, Mario sighing

(Mario)"I guess so. Hey Mangle, do you think you'd be able to help us out? I'm not really used to having to fend off the girls"

He says, Mangle giving a thumbs up

(Kyle)"How do you suppose we get Ibuki into a spot to plug in the USB?"

(Phoebe)"That's the hard part. I'll need to get behind her to plug this USB in, so having some help to restrain her while she's distracted would help"

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