Chosen as Mine

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Nash Grier is content with his life, he's just started his sophomore year in high school and although he's not popular he has a small group of friends that he hangs out with and he's happy with that.

His mom, Elizabeth, is a stay at home mother and she drives them to school, to practice. Wherever they need to go, she's there to take them. His father, Chad, is a manager at the local bank, it's a solid job with decent pay. While Nash doesn't have the latest electronics or clothes, his parents buy him and his siblings what they need and sometimes what they want. Elizabeth keeps a tight budget and they're able to live a comfortable life with his father's salary.

He enters his school and immediately spots a few of his friends standing around a locker. He goes up to them with a smile on his face.

"Nash, what's up bro." Jake Foushee says as he greets his friend. They do their handshake and Nash joins the circle of friends. He laughs at the jokes they make and interjects sarcastic but funny comments every now and then. The bell rings and the group breaks apart as they head to their classes.

Nash has a secret that he hasn't told anyone. He knows if he does, he'll be ostracized. It's a small school and word gets around quickly when rumors start. He heads to his first class and accidentally bumps into another student.

"Sorry," he mutters and his eyes meet golden brown eyes that take his breath away.

"It's cool, man." The student replies and then continues on his way to the back of the classroom. Nash sits down and he wants to turn and look at the boy who made his heart skip and his palms get sweaty.

Taylor Caniff, the most obnoxious student in the entire school enters the class and Nash rolls his eyes. He hates being in class with Taylor because he's always so disruptive. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, he disrespects the teachers but never gets in trouble because of his last name.

"Yo, Dallas. I didn't know you were in this class," he says as he heads to the back of the class.


The boy he bumped into must be the son of the Dallas family. They own a huge farm in the town and Nash read that they own other successful farms around the states. Nash knows they're rich. Sometimes they drive by the huge farm and Nash catches a glimpse of the huge ranch on the property. When Nash thinks of wealthy, he pictures that ranch.

"Shut the fuck up, Taylor." Cameron responds to Taylor with a roll of his eyes. His best friend takes a seat next to him. The class starts and Nash pays rapt attention, he takes detailed notes. He has straight A's and he dreams of being able to attend a university to get a college degree.

Taylor leans back on his chair as he begins to rip paper and make them into small balls that he then places in his mouth. He spits them at other students and laughs when they complain and make disgusted face.

Cameron shakes his head at Taylor but doesn't say anything to stop him.

One of the spit drenched balls lands right on Nash's head causing the people behind him to laugh quietly. He reaches back and takes the drenched paper from his head and makes a sound of disgust.

The teacher knows what Taylor is doing but he doesn't stop him or say anything. Kevin Caniff is on the school board and if the teacher wants tenure, he'll keep his mouth shut.

The class ends and now that Nash has noticed Cameron he sees him everywhere.

He sits with his friends at lunch but his eyes are on Cameron. He tries not to be obvious but he can't keep his eyes away from the beautiful boy that caught his attention. Cameron sits in a booth surrounded by his friends.

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