Climbing the Walls

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Cameron decides right then that he would never ever pick anyone over Nash. The boy has become so important to him in the last 2 months, he really can't imagine his life without him and he would never do anything to sabotage their blooming relationship.

Someone people might say he's crazy, to pick a 2 month friendship with a boy over a years long friendship with his best friend. And maybe he is crazy, he's definitely crazy for Nash and he's not going to apologize for that.

"Cameron, are you going to talk?" Taylor says, he sounds annoyed. If Cameron is being honest with himself, he actually finds Taylors obnoxious, loud mouth annoying. He never liked the way Taylor bullied other students for being different. He would always try to stop him whenever he witnessed it but there were times when Cameron wasn't around and he would hear about it later.

"Listen, Taylor. There's nothing you can do or say that will make me telling you what's going on. Some things are just meant to stay private, okay? I know you're probably angry about it but I can't control that." He tells him calmly.

"What the fuck, bro?" Taylor says getting agitated. "We've been friends forever, you've never kept anything from me!"

"We're older now, Taylor. Things aren't so simple anymore, it's not black and white." He tells him,keeping an even tone of voice. He's not going to allow Taylor to get him worked up, no matter what he says.

He actually feels a little upset, he just thinks it's not fair that such a kind, warm and loving person like Nash could have the awful life he's been living. While someone like Taylor, who Cameron admits is not a good person, gets the best life.

Taylor is quiet for a moment, his mind is racing trying to think about the point where Cameron changed. A memory suddenly comes to the forefront of his mind. He remembers a couple of months ago when Cameron was with those raggedy looking kids. He vaguely remembered the older kid from school. He was always wearing worn, clothes that had holes in them and not the kind of holes that were fashionable. He remembers laughing at him a few times but he wasn't amusing enough to bully so he stopped.

"Is this about those kids you were with a few months ago?" Taylor asks in a snarky tone and there's silence on the other line.

"And what if it is?" Cameron replies after a while with equal amounts of snark. He is tired of Taylor's immaturity.

"Bro, those dirty, jacked up looking kids is why you won't hang out with me? What, is that kid your best friend now?" Taylor asks, his tone getting more mean.

"No, actually it's not, you asshole." Cameron denies, and not because he's embarrassed of people knowing about his friendship with the Grier siblings, but because he wants to protect them from Taylor's bullying. He knows Taylor would find some way to mess with them if he found out that they are the reason that Cameron has pulled away from their friendship. Taylor is a jealous person, especially when it comes to people he considers close to him. "But it's interesting how you haven't grown up at all, Taylor. The real world won't put up with your bullshit."

Cameron hangs up on Taylor and programs his phone to route Taylor's calls straight to voicemail. He's done talking to him, Taylor's attitude makes him sick and he wonders what he saw in him all those years that they were friends.

Cameron opens his bedroom door, Nash is still lying on his back and he's still sleeping. Cameron sighs in relief that his argument with Taylor didn't wake up him. He plugs his phone in and gets into bed next to Nash. He lies on his side, facing Nash and watches him silently until he manages to fall asleep.

He wakes up the next morning slowly, he blinks his eyes a few times until he's focus on Nash's angelic face. Nash is still resting comfortably and he smiles, wanting to touch him but holding back because he doesn't want to disturb him. The swelling has mostly gone down, all the remains are bruises, which are turning a yellowish color. He reminds himself to take his band-aids off later, when he's awake and clean the cuts and put fresh band-aids on.

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