chapter 5

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After logging out of Instagram Divyani yawned.Today was really hectic.After her schedule ended she,Urvil and his siblings had gone to feed the stray dogs of their residential area.Everytime there were some leftover food in restaurant or kitchen,they fed the strays instead of throwing it away in dustbin.
No matter how little money and how few possessions a person own,feeding a needy makes him/her rich.

Before sleep could engulf her,the phone rang.Taking it she looked
at the screen.


"Hey.I hope I didn't wake you up."he said on the other side when she picked up at the second ring.

"No no.I was just going to sleep.We can talk."she said making him sigh in relief.

"Ok cool."He sat upright on the couch on which he was laying tiringly after checking out an important file.."I just wanted to know if you can manage some free time in this weekend."

"Why?You wanna take me out for a date?"she pressed lips to suppress her laugh while he narrowed his eyes

"What if I say yes."

Divyani couldn't help but smile,she said chukling.. "You and romantic...I can't even imagine."

"Ha ha.Very funny."he mimicked her mocking tone.

"Yaar..I will try.You know na how I need to supervise the cooks most of the time."

"No try fry.You have to come baby.I will pick you up at 8 pm on this Saturday."he pleaded making her heart flutter.The word 'Baby' sounded so good in his manly voice.

"Ok.But can we go on Sunday instead Saturday?Please."her lips formed a pout.

"As my girl wishes."

Finally it was decided they would go 'Estella' for their first date on the upcoming Sunday.The place was almost forty minutes away from where they lives.


Time passed as usual.Finally Sunday came.Dressed in a white colored knee length dress,she was waiting for Urvil in the living room.Her wavy hair was tied into a bun while face looked more vibrant due to the light make up.

"Re wahhh.My daughter is looking so pretty."Gautam,who had just woken up from his holiday sleep, praised seeing her.

"Are you sure papa?"she looked anxious.What if he didn't like her dressing sense?Or hairstyle.

"Why will I lie?"

"See.I told you."Myra came out of kitchen with a cup...."Here comes your tea."

"Thanks."giving his wife a smile,he turned at Divyani.."Gudiya.You need to relax."

"Exactly.She is tensed unnecessarily."

"I can't help it ma."she sighed loudly.Soon her phone vibrated catching everyone's attention.

He was outside.

"Just go.Don't think too much."her father encouraged.Clutching her purse in one hand and her phone on the other she came out of her house.

On the other hand,Urvil was flauntleesly dressed in a black shirt and jeans.With hair gelled up and first two buttons of shirt open,he looked no less than a magazine model.Anyone could see he was excited for the date tonight.


He turned at her and forgot to breathe.She looked stunning in that white dress that perfectly defined her beautifully carved curves.

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