chapter 19

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Urvil sat comfortably on the backseat of car spaced out.He was unable to forget Divyani's sad face.He couldn't get over her sweet smell.It was surprising how she always made him feel special by simple words and actions.

Today was hectic;but the moment she hugged him,his tiredness flew out of window.In office or studyroom he might have thousand issues in his mind,but in bedroom when she gave him company;they all faded away somehow.Smiling like a fool,he closed his eyes instead of going through the drafts.

He just couldn't get over the taste of her lips,tongue,skin and that explained just fine that he was attracted to his wife.The way her hands went around him,the way she blushed everytime they were close,the way she spoke near to his ear.

How much he enjoyed those.

He had no idea he could be this lusty.That feeling as if he was burning from inside.A sweet kind of sensation spreading all across his skin and making his dick hard.

His smile widened as he looked at his ringing phone that flashed Divyani's name.He took a few seconds to come out of daze,he picked up the call.


"Oyeee.I forgot to say.Don't start working once you enter hotel room.Instead try to sleep."came her voice from the other end.A warning lining her tone.

"Relax.I will.I am too tired to work."he looked out of the window.The signboard showed airport was 25 km away.It would take nearly forty five minutes or more to reach.

She snorted."I don't believe you."

"I promise Divi."he said softly,the phone close to his lips.She realized he was serious this time.

"Oh!!Okay then."he heard her say,feeling the relief in her voice.A brief pause filled the gap.

"So?What are you doing?"he asked noticing she was waiting for him to speak.

"Just had dinner."she replied.

He wanted to say many things,to let her know how special she made him feel.But sometimes words are not big enough to contain all the feelings you are trying to pour into them.

"I see.Good night then,"

Her expression crumbled a little bit by his response. "Hmm.Good night.Call me or ping me once you board the plane."she said slowly.

"I will ping you.Okay?Just sleep...Don't wait for my call."he knew she was also tired.

"No..Call me.It's just 10:35pm.I am not sleepy."

He smiled. "Okay baba.I will text.Bye now."

"Bye.Have a safe journey."


He hung up.


Divyani yawned and closed the book.Sighing she looked at the clock to see the time.Her eyebrows scrunched up.
He said he would call or text.Did he forget?

Before marriage she used to sleep alone on an entire bed.But now it seemed difficult.

She was feeling empty without him.

She missed him.

Without thinking much,she got up and took her phone out of charger.Walking back to the bed,she decided to call him.May be she could sleep better after talking to him.She unlocked the phone and dialed his number.

"Hey."she heard his voice and instantly her mood uplifted.

"You said you will call or ping."she jabbed.

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