Sixteen||Seth Gray

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"The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed." -Jace Wayland.

Sixteen|| Seth Gray

You know that one moment when you realize you're done.

You are screwed.

There is no solution and you're going to die.

Well, that same empty feeling in the pit of your stomach is what I was experiencing as I saw the photo taped to my locker.

It was me naked. Well, I knew the photo had been manipulated to make me look like I was nude but it still looked pretty believable.

I turned the photo and written in neat hand writing was a note:

Just a little reminder.

-XOXO Jenna

My fingers crumpled the photo and I pushed it into my bag as I glanced around.

I had gotten here early so hopefully nobody had seen it.

A sigh escaped my lips and I slowly slid down until my butt met the floor.

I had to keep my distance or I was done for, and this photo is just a tiny way that Jenna could ruin your life.

I had to breakup with Parker... again.

Slowly, the hallways started to fill up with the noisy students but I stayed in place with my head positioned in my hands.


My eyes scanned the room until they caught sight of Sam, who was just a few feet away from me wearing her usual black leather jacket, back jeans, black boots and mostly back everything.

"Hey, Sam," I greeted dryly.

Sam furrowed her eyebrows and sat beside me.

She could be really nice if she wasn't trying to protect her bestfriend.

"What's up, Ellie?" She asked.

I debated on telling her about Jenna but finally decided against it. Even if Sam could break Jenna's nose for me, Jenna would continue to threaten me.

That's the thing about psychopathic ex-girlfriends. They'll keep blackmailing you until you keep away from their property.

"I'm just really starting to regret making that bet," I said. Sam gave me a disapproving look, probably because I hadn't elaborated more and shook her head.

"You need to get your shit together, Ellie," she blurts out as the corners of her red lips turn up.

"Huh?" I mumble stupidly and turn to give her my full attention.

"You don't even realize what you're doing to him," she says and looks at the mass of students pushing each other around, "Just be careful, there's a reason he's like this. He might look tough on the outside but he's really fragile."

What the heck is she going on about?

Sam started to stand up and pat her butt to get rid of the dirt. The floors were a mess.

"See you later."

And with that, she walks off as if nothing had happened.

The rest of the day was a total blur and once again, I hadn't seen Parker.

He didn't show up to English or Math or Lunch. Which really had me worried.

"He'll show, Ellie, don't worry," Will said as he patted my back. We were standing outside of school, waiting for Parker since he was going to pick me up for the small get together.

"Go, Will. You're going to miss your bus," I muttered. Will hesitated but finally did as he was told and walked off.

Don't do this to me, Park. Don't make me lose the only sanity I have left.

Twenty minutes later, Parker's car rolled into the school's parking lot and I let out a sigh.

I ran toward the car and swung the door open but the smile that had formed on my face fell as I saw him.

The bruises looked even worse than before but what scared me the most was the expression on his face.

His eyes were red, there were slight trails of tears on his cheeks and his jaw was clenched. I was surprised he hadn't already broken his teeth.

"What's wrong, Park-" The words got caught on my throat as I noticed the boy on the back seat.

There was a frown plastered on his pale face and his blue eyes stared at me curiously. He had a strong jawline, it was sharp enough to grate cheese. There was slight patches of brown hair- just like Parker's- on his head but most of it was gone.

He couldn't be older than sixteen.

"Ellie, meet my little brother. Seth."

Author's Note.


Why am I doing this you shall ask? Well, it's because my life is a total mess.

I lost my headphones. My life is over. I cannot go on. No more hearing music at three in the morning.

Half of my school has broken a bone and now I'm thinking something is really going on.

And lastly I read "Rides with Ace" and now I really can't even.

Welcome to my life.

Note: I might update really soon but that just depends on how this chapter does and if I can just keep my life together.

Bye, bye, butterfly.


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