Thirty-One||Bonus Chapter

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Hey! I'm back, on the rag and ovulating!

Hey! I'm back, on the rag and ovulating!

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What's up?

My life is up.

That's what.

Anyways, in this chapter, they're still in their Freshmen year of college. It's spring break and well, you'll figure it out.

"Some things go to deep to be forgotten"
-John Galsworthy

Zero|| Bonus Chapter

Parker's P.O.V

"Are you sure that you were supposed to turn here?" Ellie asked with raised eyebrows as she looked at the map.

"No," Calum said from the backseat as he carelessly tapped on his phone, "I bet he has no fucking idea where we're going."

I glared at Calum and honestly hoped my glare would drill a hole into his head. "Yes," I growled through gritted teeth, "I do know where I'm going and anyone who says otherwise, I promise you that I will turn the fucking car around and drop you off at the campus."

Michael raised his eyebrows and whispered something into Calum's ear. A few giggles followed afterwards.

"If you fucking imbeciles are saying something behind my back, I will shove my foot up both your asses," I spat.

"It's kind of hard not to say something behind your back considering we are in the back seat," Calum whispered.

Michael chuckled. "You're such an ass, Calum," he said.

"I fucking swear, you guys-" I started, but was soonly cut off by Zara.

"So, how are your friends from your hometown?" Zara exclaimed suddenly. To split up our fight, I presume.

Ellie's eyes lit up instantly. "They're amazing, Zara. They're pretty stupid but you'll get used to them. First, there's Will, who looks like he surfs, but actually doesn't. Then there's Sam, who could beat you up with her pinky, but won't unless it is required. There's Jack who will make you smile despite the circumstance and lastly, there's Finn. He'll probably glare at you until he get's used to you. I miss them so much!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "You saw them on Christmas break, dork."

Ellie looked at me as if she wanted me 6 feet under. "I told you to stop calling me that."

I smirked. "But you're my dork," I pouted and looked at her for a split second.

"Get a room," Michael snorted from the back and as a result, got smacked by Zara.

I sighed. "Remind me why I brought you guys along?"

Calum and Michael gave each other a look. "Because you love us," Calum stated.

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