traitor (1)

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Yeji and Ryujin had been together since high school, while in high school, they had to get a small apartment for them as they ran away from home because of their parent's disapproval of their relationship.

And during those high school years, they had little money to buy nearly half of their essentials, and one of them has to sacrifice to get small employment.

And ryujin did.

Ryujin didn't want her girlfriend to suffer while negotiating with her studies, so she offered to work and after a month they recovered and everything was going well.

However, as they enter college for the first time this year, everything was about to reverse.

"Jagi! C'mon, we'll be late for our exam," Ryujin yelled as Yeji hurriedly fixed her bag, "One more minute!"

They were running four minutes late for their entrance exam at a university they were both going to pass, or I hope they will.

They felt happy as they both knew that their future was secured and that they got sufficient funds for the school they were going into.

Ryujin rolled her eyes playfully and walked towards the mirror, "I look hella good,"

"Yes, you do,"

Ryujin turned around to see Yeji wearing a white polo with a tie, a blazer to match, and a small skirt that was appropriate enough to take the entrance exam at their new school.

"Mhm, lookin' good." Ryujin glanced at her girlfriend up and down, "Why, thank you, Ms. Shin, likewise." She chuckled and held Yeji's hand.

"Are you ready?"

"I am love,"


"Alright, thank you for the application Ms. Shin and Ms. Hwang, an email would be transmitted directly to both of you after it had been approved by the school's office, pursuing this further, if ever you two passed the examination, you can rent a dormitory, or you can buy one of your own." Ryujin nodded and smiled.

"Of course, we will let you know," The woman smiled, "Great, I'll be back in fifteen minutes, it would be appreciated if you two won't mind waiting." I chuckled, "We don't mind." Ryujin said, "Alright, I'll see you two." The lady headed out with the papers in her hands, I slowly darted my eyes towards my handsome girlfriend.

She was in deep thought.

Was she alright?

"So, you planning on renting?" I smiled softly and tried to push the awkwardness away, however, she frowned a bit, "I don't think we can afford that, it costs a little too much, but we'll try to find a way, okay?" Ryujin embraced me in a soft hug.

"Mhm, it's alright, I just thought it would be nice to rent one, or- or- even buy one! 'Cause you know our apartment is 50 minutes away from this school," I expressed as Ryujin giggled.

After a few minutes of talking, the same lady that was in the same room as ours,

"Let's go, I'll buy us dinner," Ryujin held my waist and kissed my cheeks.


A week went by, and everything was going well, Ryujin and I were pretty excited about the results today, I couldn't stop bothering Ryujin about my rants.

I will admit, I was too excited.

I was ranting to her about how excited I was to plan what we were gonna do there, and how we were able to finish our studies together.

"Did you get the email?" Ryujin walked towards me, I was sitting on my bed, my laptop on my lap as I wait for the email.

"Not yet, I'll tell you, and try to look out for yours on your phone dummy." She giggled and snatched her phone from the bedside table and sat beside me; placing her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, I can't wait to build my future with you." I smiled as she said those words, "Likewise," I moved my head to kiss her head.

"Mhm, I love you," She muttered, "Nado," she moved her head on my shoulder, "I love you!" she whined, "fine, I love you more."

I giggled,



That was her phone,

It might be the school.

Ryujin lifted her head and checked her phone, to see the email from the school.

"Yeji! Look! They sent the email, fuck, fuck, I'm nervous." My heart beat raised as she unlocked her phone to check her gmail.

I slowly moved away and chuckled, "Surprise me," she nodded and began to read the mail.

I felt anxious.

What if she didn't pass and I have to go to that university alone?


I glanced at her with an anticipating look, "Yeji," Oh my god.

"W- what does it say?" I asked, she smiled and nodded, "I passed!" I giggled and opened my arms for a big hug.

She placed tons of kisses on my face as she hugged me tightly, "I'm so happy for you, we have to wait for mine now," She nodded.

"Alrighty, let's see." She leaned her head back down on my shoulder as we wait for my email.

"I'm excited," I mumbled as a notification on my laptop popped out, Ryujin chuckled and watched me open it.

Ryujin looked away, "Surprise me."

"Okay," I began reading the email, and as I was reading it..

'You did not pass the examination,'

what the fuck?

"Ryujnah," She smiled and looked at me, "what? what?! did you pass?" I frowned.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't.

"Yah, uhm, look- I didn't- pass," I stuttered, she looked at me in disbelief, "Are you serious?" My heartbeat went faster, was she mad?

"Ryujin, I'm sorry."

"Yeji, it's okay, we can try at another-"

"No, it's alright, and it's your dream university, remember?" She looked down.

I felt guilty.

"Ryujinah, I'm really sorry." she opened her arms for a big hug, "It's alright darling."

"But I guess we have to separate ways now," I gave her a sad smile, "We can still live in the same apartment."

"We can, but, don't you think that we should focus on our studies first?" She was taken back by my response.

"Yeji, look, we can still live in this apartment, I don't care if I have to dry forty or even fifty minutes away from school, the important thing is that I get to see you."

I smiled, "I know, but the next school I have in mind that could fit in my funds is two hours away, and I need to get a dorm there." she didn't say anything.

Instead, she hugged me tightly.

"Promise me I'll still get to see you?" I giggled, "You will, I love you."

She chuckled and kissed my forehead, "Nado."

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