smut | freaky

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It was a cold night, the air flowing through the open windows. Ryujin was seated at the table, she waited patiently for her girlfriend to arrive who was running late on the way home from work.

Yeji was still in college, they both are still in college. The difference is that Yeji has a part-time job and Ryujin doesn't, ever since they celebrated their 2nd anniversary. They decided to take things in advance and lived together, and their parents were fine with it.

Ryujin took another sip of her wine, their condo was a mess. She forgot to clean it from last night's events, she emplaced her glass on the table and stood up.

She walked toward their bedroom and started to clean their room, Yeji was in a real treat for tonight- or at least she thought.

Yeji was running home, she didn't have enough money to buy a car, and; their condo was near their school anyways.

Yeji finally reached the building, she entered the building and took the elevator to the 6th floor.

Her breathing was heavy, she thought that maybe Ryujin would get upset with her for being late. But truth is, Ryujin isn't upset nor frustrated with her.

It was her thoughts that kept her from overthinking, she breathed heavily as the elevator went up higher and higher.

She told herself, "I'll be fine, I hope so"

After thirty minutes of fixing their bedroom, she had ultimately finished. Ryujin walked out of their room and slowly walked toward their living room.

She sat back down to where she was seated before anything, she grabbed her glass of wine and resumed her drinking.

A few seconds, a knock was heard. Ryujin yelled "It's open love!" she knew it was her girlfriend, she smirked evilly and waited patiently for Yeji to enter the miniature house.

As Yeji entered the house, sweat was all over her forehead. Ryujin smiled and stood up, "what got you so worked up lately? You're sweating darling"

Yeji's breathing was getting even heavier, the tension continued to build up.
She looked up at Ryujin, "N-nothing, I was afraid that you might get mad- or-" her sentence was cut off by Ryujin's lips.

Yeji was surprised by her actions, she placed her hand on Ryujin's chest. Ryujin's hands slowly crept up around her waist, Ryujin's other hand slowly closed the door.

"Let's eat dinner, shall we?" Ryujin broke their connection and kissed her forehead before taking her hand in hers; walking her toward the table.

The pasta was served along with wine, and Yeji couldn't help but smile.

"You prepared all of this?" her voice sounded happy, Ryujin chuckled and looked at her.

"Just for you sweetheart" Yeji felt like she was about to explode with the number of butterflies she is getting.

Ryujin pulled the chair for her, Yeji chuckled and sat down "You're being too sweet, what's the catch?" Ryujin looked at her with a smirk "Can't I just prepare my beautiful girl with dinner? For all the hard work she made?" Yeji smiled softly as she sat down across from her.

"Let's have dinner, I love you and you'll be having a little reward after this" Ryujin smiled at her and began to eat her dinner.

Yeji began to eat her food as well, with silence torn down the room; the tension began to grow, Yeji looked over to her girlfriend who was eating in front of her. She didn't even realize that she was staring for too long until Ryujin waved her hand in front of her.

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