traitor (2)

436 13 14


It had been two months since I last saw Yeji, and it had been tragic without her.

I missed waking up to her presence every morning and kissing her forehead good night every evening.

But today was the day I get to surprise her, I had enough time considering I was free this weekend, that is why I wanted to surprise her.

I bought flowers and her favorite chocolate, I was saving up money to buy her a wedding ring, but for now, let's focus on how I am going to surprise her.

I felt nervous.

She had been distant through texts lately, and It felt, however, weird.

Considering she was never like that, she was mostly sweet and clingy, but it somehow changed.

I don't know if she's just busy with her academics, or did I do something wrong to upset her?

I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed, "You can do this." I whispered.

"Yeah, you can do it, stop being a dumbass Ryujin, she loves ya." Fuck you Dahyun.

I turned around and chuckled, "Help me," I playfully sobbed as Dahyun shook her head, "Hold your chin up, handsome bitch, go on, be yourself. And plus, it's not like you're meeting her for the first time." I rolled my eyes, "But it feels like I'm meeting her for the first time,"

Thoughts of her lingered in my mind, I took a deep breath as I held my bag, "C'mon dude, just go for it, and update me when you're single." I smacked her arm whilst she whined.

"Shut it, whatever, I'm going." She rolled her eyes, "Be safe!" I held my bag tighter, I walked out of our dorm towards the elevator.

I sighed and grabbed my phone from my pockets, 'I miss you,' I hope she'd respond, I'm really looking forward to meeting her.

And I have enough time to go back, god Yeji, I miss you.

A few seconds later, the elevator came to a halt and I stepped out of it, I walked towards the lobby and sat there waiting for my uber to pick me up.

A few minutes later, my phone rang, I looked up to see that it was Yeji.

I answered it immediately,

"Hi, Ryujin." Her voice sounded cold, was she okay? "Hi Yeji, how are you? How have you been?" a few seconds of silence before she responded.

"Doing good, how 'bout you?" I looked down, it feels like we were back to the talking stage, it hurts man.

"I'm good too, I'm out here in the lobby, I'm going to be having dinner outside." She chuckled, "Enjoy your meal, I gotta go."

My eyebrows furrowed into confusion, "Uhm, alright, love you." She hummed in response before our call had ended.

Ouch. That hurts.

She's probably busy, she did say she was gonna take law or something.

Whatever, oh shit.

The uber is here.

Oh well.


"Yeji, why are you still up?" My heartbeat raised, "I- I just have a bit of a problem," I can't tell Chaeryoung, she'll fucking flip.

Oh god, why did I even get myself into this type of situation? Oh god.

"What's wrong, Yeji?" She sat down next to me on my bed, I hated this.

"Nothing, you should go back to reading." I snatched my phone and opened random apps.

I felt nervous.

'Cause Soobin was waiting for me at the rooftop, that fucking bastard.

And if I won't go there, he'll be running towards my dorm.

"Yah, tell me, don't be scared." Maybe I should just tell her, then maybe I'll feel relieved, "Well, remember the guy I was talking to a few weeks ago?"


"We had- uhm, a little something, and he asked me out on a date a few days ago and I agreed, after that- he began following me around like a complete weirdo, and now he invited me to the rooftop this evening and I don't wanna go there." Chaeryoung held my hand, "Maybe just ditch him?"

I chuckled, "He'll come running into my dorm in a few minutes,"

"I'll answer it for you." I rolled my eyes playfully, "Sure, but he'll want to come inside."

"I'll say it's tress passing," We both laughed until there was a knock on the door, "Great, what was his name again?"


"That bitch," Chaeryoung stood up and opened the door, I hid in the bed in case he asks to come in.

Oh god.


"Hello Soobin, please leave Yeji-" A girl with long black hair expressed in a sarcastic way, who the fuck was Soobin?

"Soobin? Who's that?" I clutched onto my bag, the girl glanced inside the dorm before looking back at me.

"Uhm, who are you?" Before I got the chance to speak, someone behind me spoke.

"Hey chaeryoung, where's Yeji?" I turned around to see a tall man with dark brown hair, was this the Soobin that girl mentioned?

"Who are you?" The man chuckled, "The one and only Soobin, and who are you?" I felt jealous, I don't know why.

"Shin Ryujin," His eyes went wide, "Kay, whatever, Chaeryoung, where's Yeji?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Why the hell are you looking for Yeji?" I rolled my eyes as he moved closer, "None of your business, and how do you even know her?" He hissed back.

"Because," Before I got the chance to respond, Yeji walked out of the dorm and stood in front of us.

She was shocked to see me, her eyes softened but she didn't move.

"R-ryujina," My eyes lit up, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, my love.

"Yeddeong," I walked closer and embraced her in a hug, but I was surprised that her hands slowly moved and hugged me.

It didn't feel the same.

I pulled away, the guy looked at Yeji, "Yeji, who's this? I thought that-" Yeji pushed him, "I don't know you."

"You don't know me? 'Cause this ugly whore is standing in front of you? Feeling all boyish and handsome?" I fought the urge to smack him in the face.

I glared at him whilst he glared back, "And as far as I'm aware," The guy moved closer to Yeji, making my blood boil.

He placed an arm around her, "We fucked in the school's bathroom."

What the fuck, Yeji?

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