too early or too late?

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We all have crushes.


Sometimes we are too faithful to the person we like that we push and reject others who are willing to love us back?

Shin Ryujin.


She's everything everyone could ask for, she's perfect, she has high marks, a good personality, a pure heart, good traits, and is too handsome to even look at.

Though one girl.

One girl caught her attention, one girl whom she liked, one girl who wouldn't even look at her or talk to her.

Was she kidding?

She wasn't.

Ryujin has liked this girl for six months now, but she didn't confess, she was too afraid to do so. She was afraid of getting her heart shattered so she chose to admire her from afar.

But it wasn't enough.

She wanted that girl in her arms.

She's tired of loving her from afar.

She wanted her attention.

Ryujin wanted to confess.

Though she felt like she wasn't able to, her admiration for this girl stayed the same for six months today. She looked at her and still felt the same way.

But does she feel the same?


Ryujin's head raised from her table and saw that all of her classmates were looking at her.


"Do not sleep in my class, Ms. Shin, please be seated properly and listen." Ryujin rolled her eyes as her teacher looked away and began teaching.

The class was boring.


She looked around and felt uttered and wished the girl she liked was in the same class as her, but thought it would be more awkward but at least her presence was there.

She looked down at her wrist that was sitting on the table, she looked over her watch and saw that in a few seconds, the ball would be ringing.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.



The bell finally rang, and students began standing up and grabbing their stuff.

"Okay, make sure to answer the last page of that textbook! That's recorded!" Ryujin didn't listen to any more of his nonsense and left the classroom.

Ryujin walked towards the canteen with her bag, she looked around and looked for Lia. She glanced around the canteen until she felt her ass hitting the ground.


Ryujin looked up to see her.


The girl she liked.

The girl she wanted to be with so much.

"I am so sorry."


It was her name.

"No, it's okay, I totally understand." Ryujin stood up and grabbed her back before looking up to see Yeji picking up her bag.

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