chapitre sept

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Warren stayed in his room. 

I felt like we were little again and I wanted to climb up into the treehouse to see what he was doing, but I knew I would be unwelcome. I didn't even know how to approach Warren, not without getting burned by his anger. I couldn't even figure out where all of his anger was coming from. Did he even know? 

Auden insisted on cooking dinner, and he wouldn't let me help. He told me I could sit on the stool and he handed me a glass of water. I relented and just decided to keep him company. We discussed some of his design ideas for me, and dinner was done within thirty minutes. I figured Warren would come out when he was ready because I was sure he could smell the food. 

I resumed my spot on the couch with Auden, and we slid the coffee table closer to set our plates on it. River opted to sit at the counter, and he was perched on the stool, watching the television. His broad back was angled away from us. 

Auden clicked through television channels. 

Suddenly, I saw my face on a news channel. 

My vision tunneled. All I could focus on was the reporter standing on the street outside of my apartment. I knew her, she often interviewed me. 

"It's been reported that Ms. Valievo's three older and successful brothers have been spotted in New York City shortly after the accident. We are still working on the details but no one has seen Ms. Valievo, as she fails to make an appearance these past few days." 

Auden changed the channel. It was another reporter from a different company, I was on the screen again. I think I may have stopped breathing as their words had more effect on me than I was willing to admit. I hadn't watched any news lately for this very purpose but now I couldn't tear my attention away.

"Due to the recent events, and no statement from Ms. Valievo, it is safe to assume that she may not be returning in time for Broadway, where she was set to perform as their lead role." 

Another channel. I was the topic. How long had I been on every news station? Was my face in the newspaper? Did someone leak my information? How many people assumed I was facing a setback? Was it even a setback? I felt tears trickle down my cheeks without permission. 

Falling was hard enough, but falling in front of the whole world? 

I might as well have never gotten up. 

"Essence of Motion has refused to make a statement on Ms. Valievo's behalf, it seems the young prodigy may have suffered an injury greater than we know. The question rests in everyone's minds whether she will return to the career or if this was the product of burn-out at such a young age." 

"Turn it off, please."

My words were empty, I didn't sound like myself. Still, the channels flickered by and I caught pieces of what they were saying. Saw the words that scrolled on the bottom of the screen. Channel after channel, it didn't change. They all said the same thing until I believed them. 

"Aida Valievo may never dance again--" 

"Her career could be over--" 

"We see it happen time and time again with these young athletes--"

"I said turn it off!" 

I sprung up from the couch and tripped over the blanket that I tried to untangle from my legs. Someone was quick to grip my bicep to keep me from toppling into the coffee table, and the touch made me jerk away from them. I might have run from the room, I couldn't tell. Things were happening in a blur. I ducked into the closest room, which happened to be my bathroom. 

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