Rory Pov

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It was currently 3 a.m., and I still hadn't fallen asleep. Josh, on the other hand, was snuggled up beside me and was now snoring peacefully. He had decided to crash at my place, too tired to even care about how much trouble he would probably be in in the morning .

It wasn't because of his snoring that I couldn't sleep, but the thought of everything that has happened in the past twenty four-hours was just too much .

One, I'm pretty sure I caught Josh in the middle of a panic attack, It was a good thing I had decided to follow my mind to hear him out, even if it was with the intentions of.... breaking up.

Two,  How could that bitch call himself a friend and do that to Josh? Even if he was drunk, that's no excuse . I felt so bad for Josh; he was suffering all alone. Who knows what could've happened if I didn't go to meet him .

Glancing over at Josh once more , I wrapped my arms around him, sliding into his touch.

7:00 a.m

" Happy birthday Roryyy " someone sang .

My eyes fluttered open to see Josh , Dad, and Mrs. Lucy towering over my bed . Josh held a cake while Dad and Mrs. Lucy clapped .

I was still tired but seeing all of them together in one room made my heart feel warm and I couldn't help the smile that blossomed on my face .

" Happy birthday dear Rory , Happy birthday to youuuu " they finished .

" Blow the candles out " Josh stepped forward , his smile bright as though nothing had happened yesterday .

Blowing it out I made my wish .

" Get ready for school and come downstairs " Mrs. Lucy buzzed .

" And please don't take an eternity " Josh joined in to which I just simply rolled my eyes .

" Happy birthday Bud " Dad smiled ruffling my hair and with that they all left .

It didn't take me long to get ready, and within thirty minutes, I was now heading downstairs .

The kitchen was decorated with streamers and had a big eighteen balloon in the center of the counter , around the balloon were multiple dishes I immediately recognized .

To one side were all of my favorite Italian dishes that my dad obviously prepared and on the left were all of my favorite dishes that Mrs. Lucy would make. To finally top it all off, place in the center In front of the balloon was the cake Josh had earlier .

" Wow ",I breathed, scanning all the different contents .

" Try it ",Josh said sneaking up behind me .

" I baked it ",he boasted, "... with the help of my mom but it was still mostly me"

I had just noticed he was wearing his school uniform .

" I woke up and went home earlier,"  he smiled, as if reading my mind .

"I told my mom what happened , leaving out a few details... but yeah, I've been grounded for like a week, but I'm free today, soo it doesn't really matter ".

I hugged him, not caring if Dad Or Mrs. Lucy could see us.

" But how did you explain to Mrs Lucy and my Dad? "

" I told them I was your bestfriend, and they didn't question anything , I mean it wasn't a complete lie" he shrugged.

" Anyways enough of that , cut the cake, I wanna see your reaction " he buzzed .

" Ok ,Chef " I laughed, walking over to the cake .

" ...Want to cut it with me? " I paused .

" Adorable " he smiled at me so much that I felt my heart do a skip, he smiled at me as if I were the only thing that mattered to him .

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