Learn To Walk Again (Finale)

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Three Days Later

"Just a moment, it seems like he's waking up now." I slowly open my eyes and wait a moment to adjust to the light. Once the blinding effect is over I lift myself, leaning my torso against the bed frame. "How do you feel kid?" I look over at Azazel.

"It's strange, I feel better, but I also feel worse."

"Probably your body adjusting to everything now that you're awake." Azazel shows me a picture that appears to be my insides. "Some of your organs had to be replaced because of how quickly your disease was spreading, but thankfully we were able to get healthy replacements. Your bones and muscles have stayed relatively intact, but now it's time for the bad news." Another image comes up showing my brain.

"This is where the problems arise."

"Indeed. Your brain stayed intact, which is nothing short of a miracle, but in trying to extract your disease your motor functions have been restricted. Walking and other basic activities should only take a day or two for you to get back, but I wouldn't recommend any intense fighting for at least half a year." I sigh at the end of his statement.

"Six months of no fighting, I'm surely going to be weaker once it's over."

"You will, but that's to be expected. Sirzechs has arranged to allow you to stay here in the Underworld during your rehabilitation, and whatever you need will be supplied to you. The kids go back to school tomorrow, and they left the day you went under the knife, but Rias and Akeno should be back to check on you. I will say that your lifespan was increased after the operation, but I'll explain that another time." I adjust my posture and take a breath.

"What does Rias's peerage think?"

"Their opinions haven't changed, aside from the Red Dragon Emperor's, that is. He still doesn't care for you, but at the least, he is gracious for your sacrifice." The door opens and Grayfia enters.

"Rias and Akeno are here to see you Y/N."

"I'm glad." I manage to get my legs to the edge of the bed, but as I try to stand I feel the full effects of what Azazel was talking about.

"I'll bring them in." I shake my head.

"Just help me and I'll meet them at the door." Grayfia comes to my bedside and puts an arm under my shoulder.

"One step at a time. Don't get frustrated if it takes a minute."

"I'm not a child, I'll be fine." Grayfia assists me in getting to the door, the fifteen-step journey taking almost two minutes to complete. Once there I take my free hand and open the door, revealing Rias and Akeno who appear overjoyed to see me.

"How do you feel?" The duo asks me simultaneously.

"Aside from standing being a chore, I feel great." Akeno takes my arm from Grayfia and keeps me upright.

"You look great," Rias compliments. "I expected you to be worse for wear, but compared to how you looked before you went under you look fantastic."

"I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be flattered or not." Rias takes my other arm and kisses my cheek. "Everyone else still at home?"

"Most of them don't want to see you, but it'll take time for them to come around."

"I know." I look down the hallway. "Let's head outside, I need some fresh air after spending three days comatose. Just know that it'll take some time for me to get there."

"We go back to school tomorrow, but as early as it is, I think we'll be fine." The three of us begin our trip toward the door at the end of the hallway, each step feeling like it's taking longer than the last one. Not only that, but the time feels like it's dragging on the longer I try to walk the hallway, and about halfway there I find myself needing to stop.

Lies (High School DxD X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now