Chapter 22

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"How is she?" Sean asked as Corey and Silas walked into the door.

"Tired," Silas sighed as he sat on the couch. "But hopefully she won't stay at the school tonight. Corey spent all night helping her with the lesson plans for the next two weeks."

"That's good," Kota nodded, "So how is she coping with the extra children?"

"As well as can be expected, I suppose," Corey shrugged. "She made a small side comment about saving up to add a few more things to it to make it easier but she seems happy with how it is right now."

"What kind of things?" Gabe asked looking up from his drawing.

"I don't know," Corey shook his head, "she said it in passing so I don't think she really meant to say it as something of importance, like she was just making a comment."

"I'll bring her lunch today," Gabe said nodding as he grabbed his notebook and started writing.

"You know she won't like that," Victor smirked.

"Oh well," Gabe shrugged, "it's not for her, it's for the fucking students so she can't protest." He chuckled, "Besides if it happens to be a goddamn surprise then she can't really stop me then, can she?"

"She's going to learn one way or another that she is ours," North grunted, "that means we take care of her wants and needs."

"But we take away her independence either," Owen shook his head. "Remember that, Gabriel."

Gabe waved his hand nonchalantly, "Yeah, yeah, I fucking know."

"So what time should one of us pick you up, Miss Teacher?" Nathan asked as he watched Skye get into the car and start to buckle up.

"I don't know," She said as she checked the seat belt, "I have a few things to do before I can leave."

"No working late, Miss Teacher," Nathan demanded, "Corey already helped you with your lesson plans, so no real reason to work late."

"Yes Sir," She rolled her eyes but had a soft smile on her lips. "I guess sixish?"

"Fine," he nodded, "one of us will see you then."

"As if I could protest anyway," She chuckled, "you would just show up anyway."

"Glad you are learning," he smirked as he winked at her, "see you later, Miss Teacher."

Sure enough at six, her classroom door opened and she saw Brandon and Kota walking in. "I'm almost done," she said as she continued putting the books on the bookshelf.

"That's fine, Babe," Brandon nodded as he started cleaning the whiteboard for her. Once the room was ready for the next day they left.

"Skye insisted on eating at your place with you, so Marc is making lasagna at your place, hope that's okay," Kota said as he held the car door open for her.

"I wouldn't have told you to make a copy of the house key if I had a problem with you being there," she murmured as she looked out the window. She sighed then barely whispered so low they almost didn't hear here, "I like it better when you are there."

They looked at one another and smirked then went back to paying attention to the road. "Miss Luna!" Skye shouted as she hugged her once she walked through the door.

Luna burst out laughing, "You just saw me Princess Skye."

"Me finish," She giggled holding up her packet.

"I finished," Luna corrected without thinking about it, "and I'm so proud of you for already finishing. Let's eat and then I will look it over, okay?"

"So tell us about your day, Little One," Victor said as they sat at the table and Marc placed a plate in front of Luna.

The men listened as Skye told them about things that happened at school. "And he hitted her, made her falled down hurt knee," Skye said as she pushed her plate away.

"When did this happen?" Sean asked curiously.

"Recess and his parents have been called and informed about his actions," Luna said as she pushed her plate away. "The little girl just had a tiny scratch that Skye helped the nurse apply, she was quite the little doctor according to Nurse Emily."

"I'm glad you were able to help," Sean beamed.

"Me be doctor wike you, Daddy," She smiled proudly.

"I will be a doctor like you," Luna corrected automatically without thinking.

"I will be a doctor like you," Skye repeated, and Luna smiled at her while nodding.

"You can be anything you want to be," Owen smiled as he watched while Luna wiped Skye's mouth.

"You two go work on homework," Axel said as he started picking up plates. "We will clean up."

"Miss Luna," Skye said after they worked on some addition.

"Yes?" She asked as she smiled at Night laying his head in Skye's lap.

"I live here?" Skye asked and Luna gasped softly. "Peas?"

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