The new kid

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[just wanted to go on record and say this story is shitty trust me, this is after I wrote this book 😭]


I woke up to that stupid alarm ringing in my ears. I rolled over and flipped it off, I heard giggly footsteps bouncing to my room. Then my little sister gwenny swung the door open and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINNEY!!!" much to my annoyance. "Finn you have school today! Get up!" She said Ripping the covers from hands. "Fine Gwen damn!" I screamed getting up she walked out and shut my bedroom door thank god I thought to myself. I threw whatever on and grabbed my stuff and walked out of the house without Gwen. "Walking by yourself?" I heard a voice from behind say I turned to see who it was when I was shoved to the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled I looked up to see a taller boy twice my size towering over me he had a white t shirt on and black jeans with a jacket tied between his waist. "Ohhh so someone's got a mouth on them huh?". Oh shit I thought to myself I immediately got up and sprinted into the school building hearing the boys footsteps only a few feet behind me I ran into the bathroom and threw my stuff on the toilet tank and and sat on the toilet seat holding my knees to my face so much for a birthday I thought. "Come on outtttt I know your in hereeeee" I heard that stupid voice say, god how I hated that voice I wish that voice would disappear. Then the boy started banging on the stall doors I knew I didn't have much time before he got to mine at the very end. There was no use I hiding he'd find me  eventually so I opened the stall door looking down at my feet as I walked out. "I'll teach you to shut that mouth of yours" the taller boy said I braced for impact seeing him raise his fist when all of a sudden BAM the taller boy was sent flying onto the bathroom floor with a purple jaw. I looked to see who just punched the shit out of the the boy picking on me. He had long black hair and a banana tied around his head he had on long jeans and a red shirt on. He was now on top of the other boy beating him black and blue I didn't know if he would get back up, still frozen in fear the other boy took off running. "Your crazy Arellano!" The other boy said running out of the bathroom, I was backing up into the corner of the bathroom waiting for my beating when the long haired boy broke the silence. "Am I getting a thank you or what?" He said. "OH shit yeah sorry thank you!" I said flustered, "How come I haven't seen you around before" he said. "Oh I'm new here! I'm Finney, Finney Blake" I said extending my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Robin, Robin Arellano second toughest kid in school" he said grabbing my hand quickly. He quickly yanked his back out of pain for his knuckles. "Ow! Shit" he said "hold on Robin!" I screamed running over to the sink to help my friend. "Come here" I said standing on the left of the sink with Robin on the right I quickly took out my first aid kit and grabbed some alcohol and cotton balls. "This might sting but it's better than it getting infected" I said rubbing the wet cotton ball on Robins knuckles. "Why do you carry that around with you?" He said pointing to the first aid kit on the ground with his free hand. Not taking my eyes off of what I was doing I said "I used to get bullied a lot at my old school" "oh I'm sorry" he said "it's fine they would only draw a bit of blood" "well I'll make sure no one bullies you here" he said. I smiled at how kind he was how could any one call this nice boy crazy? Intimidating yes but crazy no way!. "FINNEY!" "Huh?" "It's to tight!"

{Hi! I will try to make these chapters really long just for you guys! (not including these little notes) this is my first story that I'm sharing with the world so tell me how I did! And thank you so much for reading! It warms my heart to know people like my stories! Also do you guys want some brance? well have a nice day!}

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