On time

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Warning: this chapter includes drinking, abuse and offensive words


I was walking out of the kitchen and back down the hallway to Robins room to grab my bag I had to leave Robin's early. I couldn't have a panic attack about Gwen getting hurt by dad or worse it was already 7:40 and I lived quite the distance from Robin.

"Hey were are you going?"

"Home,I have curfew at 8:15"

"Oh ok do you want me to walk you home it's winter and dark as hell out I don't want you getting hurt" 

"O-oh yeah s-sure" 

How could I stutter so stupidly like that especially in front of Robin. I must have looked and sounded like an idiot  

"Helloooo Finney?" He said as he waved a hand in front of my already blushed face.

"Huh? oh yeah we gotta go hehe" I said 

He opened the door and let me step out first. As we were walking and talking I kept glancing down at my wrist watch. 7:48,7:50,8:10

I guess Robin must have noticed how worried I was.

"That strict huh?" He said looking to the side

"Yeah" I said bluntly

We were finally at my house I waved Robin goodbye as I walked in the house. I placed the spaghetti in the fridge as to not wake dad up only a few feet over sleeping in the living room. I turned to head up to my room when I was stopped by my dad standing over me watching what I was doing. "Who's that boy who walked you home" he said holding a beer glass in his right hand. I couldn't go anywhere not with him blocking my only path. "He's a kid I tutor now from Monday to Wednesday" I said kind of shaky, praying he wouldn't get mad about me being late home and potentially hit me with glass in his hand. I guess my prayers didn't do me a bit of good because I was now walking up the stairs to my room with a bruise forming on my face. I was just glad it was me and not Gwen he had hit. She must have woken up from the screams of dad because she was running down the stairs like a mad person to stop him from hitting me. "I DIDN'T RAISE A FAGGOT AND I SURE AS HELL WILL NOT HAVE ONE LIVING UNDER MY ROOF" "DAD STOP!" I heard my little sister yell in a shaky voice she was scared for me, I was scared for myself but he let me off with just dropping his bottle down on the ground smashing it to pieces and leaving to go to his room.He slammed the door harshly he must have been drinking alot. "Finney I'm so sorry" "don't be I was the one who choose to stay late at Robins" I said leaning over to pick the glass shards off of the floor throwing them into my hand And leaving to throw them away. "Just go back to bed I love you goodnight" I said leaving to go my own room I hope the bruise would be gone by tomorrow so Robin wouldn't ask questions.


I just couldn't stop getting the sinking feeling something  bad was gonna happen to Finney and why did I care so much. I made it back to my house just in time to Mary sneaking back to her room. I plopped down on the bed and immediately fell asleep due to having to walk Finney home I just felt like he was scared and nervous. he kept looking at the time on his watch I questioned what would happen if he was home late or just not on time.I decided not to think about it and fell asleep shortly after.


I woke up to my alarm going of.I rolled over to the other side of the bed and slammed my hand on it. I got up out of bed and decided to wear a white shirt and black jeans with a grey hoodie to go over it. I hoped my bruise from last night was gone, but just my luck I walked into the bathroom to brush and fluff my hair before school. "Son of a bitch" I said under my breath.it looked worse than last night. I hated my dad but what he said was the truth I really was a faggot how could I be mad for him just telling me the truth. I walked to Gwen's room to see her listening to her Walkman and laying on the bed ready for us to walk to school. "Hey, come on we need to go or else we will be late" I said pulling the headphones off her head and leaving the room hearing her shuffling to catch up to me already heading down stairs. I was getting my lunch when Matty and his stupid friends pushed me causing me to fall and spill my lunch all over myself and the floor. I already had anxiety and the whole school started laughing at me covered in food I couldn't help but start to cry, Next thing I knew I was running anywhere my legs would run to. I ran into a bathroom busting into the stall and throwing my stuff down onto floor and shutting the door harshly. I heard someone come into the bathroom and my heart sank until I heard that loving caring voice call my name. "Finn?" He spoke softly.


I was going to snap that bitches neck for what he did to Finney. I saw Finney run out of the other door to the cafeteria covered in school food. Then I saw it Matty and his friends laughing standing over what I assumed to be Finneys lunch. I don't know when I lunged for Mattys throat but next thing I knew I was on top of him strangling him and beating his head into the tile floor. "ARELLANO!" I heard a teacher scream my name but I didn't care all that mattered in that moment was beating Matty black and blue for hurting Finney. I was being dragged out of the lunchroom with my arms behind my back like a criminal. I was sat into a chair with Mr. James sitting in front of me, "mr Arellano I will not tolerate this behavior in my school" he said looking at me. "Detention for a week, you and mr Blake" "WHAT! Why is Finney getting punished you should be giving that shithead Matty a detention!" "LANGUAGE! He is getting punished to but not in the way you and mr Blake are now get to class!" I grabbed my stuff yanking it out of the seat beside me and storming out of the principals office to look for Finney. Please be alright Finn I thought to myself sprinting to look for him.

{ Hey you guys! I'm sorry for not posting as much as I would like to I have really enjoyed writing this story I hope you guys enjoy reading it! Well have a good day or night and I'll write part five and six tomorrow bye guys! ☺️❤️✌️}

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