Bad Math

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I don't know why I let my anger slip out I just couldn't stand to see a innocent kid get beat up like that. Anyway Finney finished cleaning my hands and knuckles up and bandaged them he was so caring I thought to myself as I walked away to my first class holding the hand Finney cleaned first. I walked in and took my seat throwing my stuff into the chair beside me, The teacher came in shortly after and started teaching when the principal walked in the classroom. "Ahhh that must be our new student!"  New student I thought? Everyone else and I cocked our heads towards the door to see Finney walking into the room he must have noticed me because he gave me a light smile and a small wave. "Class I would like you to meet Finney Blake, our new student to the class please make him feel very welcome." "Finney your seat is next to mr Arellano please go have a seat son." She said pushing Finney lightly to step towards me, "Hey" he whispered with a light giggle. I felt my face get a little hot but quickly snapped out of it, "Hi" I said.


I couldn't believe I had just friended the second toughest kid in school and he was in my class. I was so happy I got to sit next to him, I hate to admit it but he was very pretty. He gave me light blush when I said hi to him. Did I do something wrong did I make him nervous. I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts by the teacher writing on her chalkboard very briskly I got out a notebook from my bag and started taking notes on what we were learning when I seen a little note slide across the table. I picked it up and seen it read "what's the answer to number 4." I wrote the answer quickly so I could catch up with the teacher. I saw him take the paper and mouth a thanks I just smiled and nodded.


Finney was really smart maybe this year I wouldn't fail all my classes if we had the same schedule. I hate being dumb but it's hard to study and do homework when you've got to go home and take care of 2 siblings. Class soon ended and everyone left while I waited for Finney to finish packing his things. "Robin" the teacher called out "yes miss?" I said with slight annoyance Mr.James would like to speak with mr Blake and you. I looked over to see Finney looking worried  that couldn't be good I thought to myself.


What were Robin and I going to speak to Mr.James about who is Mr. James? Was all I could think about before we were brought into this office like room. It was very cozy actually there was  a desk with a chubby old man sitting there and there were two bookshelves, I turned my head to see a very pissed off looking Robin sitting next to me with his arms crossed glaring down at the old man's desk. "mr Arellano as you may know your grades haven't been the greatest" he said with hesitation probably as to not make Robin more mad than he already was. "mr Blake here is going to be your tutor if that's ok with you mr Blake." Mr.James said turning his head to me. "Sure! But how many times a week?" I said hesitantly knowing on Fridays dad comes home drunk and has hit Gwen occasionally when I wasn't home so I don't like going out on Friday for her sake as my younger sister. "That's up to mr Arellano and you to work out" I turned to Robin to see he had calmed down a little. "Is Monday to Wednesday ok with you?" I said with a tiny smile I seen Robin turn a bit pink as he stuttered to find his words.


I couldn't believe I started to turn pink around him he was just so pretty and cute. No Robin focus that's your new friend. "Y-yeah that's fine" I said stuttering I couldn't believe that Finney Blake had just become my tutor. Finally I'd get some help in my grades I just hope he didn't mind me having to take breaks to check on my sisters hence being the oldest of one of my sisters. I wondered if Finney had any younger siblings that would want to have a play date with mine. School ended and I decided to walk with Finney to his house so he could tell his parents were he was going to be for a bit. We walked into his house to see a tiny brunette girl wearing pigtails and watching Tv on the couch he walked up to her and kissed her forehead. "Hey Gwen how are you feeling?" He asked she spoke in a hoarse voice only saying "good how was your first day at school?" "Good look I made a friend he said clearing the way for me walk towards her. "Hi,I'm Robin" I said extending my hand she spoke and said "I'm gwenny but you can call me Gwen." "Tell dad I'll be home late I'm going to tutor Robin so I'll probably be home about 8:30 just make sure you eat something  and go to bed" he said kissing her goodbye. 

{Hi it's me again I just wanted to say I know Robin didn't have any siblings in the movie but I have some great ideas with Robin and Finney with robins siblings. Also I didn't realize how long this chapter had gotten but I'll write some more tonight I love you guys be save!☺️❤️

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