"I've never seen him cry"

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"VANCE! FUCKING LET GO OF ME!" I screamed trying to escape Vance's grip on my shoulders."ROBIN WE CANT SEE HIM YET!" Vance screamed through out the dimly lit hallway. I watched in disbelieve as I watched Finney being wheeled away on a hospital bed with blood gushing out of his open stomach. I don't know how but Vance spun me around and and wrapped me in a hug. "I'm sorry Robin" I heard Bruce whisper, "I'm so sorry" he come behind me and in front of Vance wrapping his arms around me as well, I fell to my knees feeling the grip on our hug tighten and the hot tears stinging my eyes and face. I couldn't lose him, not yet.


I couldn't believe the sight in front of me, my best friend since 2nd grade was watching his boyfriend and best friend being taken away on a hospital bed. I grabbed him and brought him into a tight hug not letting go until he calmed down a bit. We eventually all calmed down but not enough to be what I call fine. "Vance," I heard Bruce's soft voice echo in my ear as looked down at the sleeping Robin laying on my lap. He eventually tired himself out by trying to break free from me and crying. I put my hand on his hair playing with the loose locks of his hair feeling sorry for my best friend. "Yeah Bruce" I said in a cold twisted tone. "Do you think Finney and Robin are going to be alright?." he said almost on the verge of tears. I placed my hand around his shoulder bringing him close to my chest. "I don't know, Bruce to be honest I've only ever seen him cry once in the ten years I've been friends with him" I said in that same cold tone as I rest my hand on robins hair and holding Bruce close to me with the other hand. I looked down at the hospital floor wanting to cry with them, feeling like shit for not being there to help Finney.

(Flashback to the school)


"FINNEY! Oh my god!" I shout as I run through the bathroom door. I seen Finney laying lifeless on the cold bathroom floor. I immediately snatch my jacket from my waist, tying it around Finneys lifeless body. I picked him up off the floor seeing he must have been there a good ten minutes because their was blood all over the bathroom floor. I picked Finney up and and threw him over my shoulders running to find the nearest classroom I found one meters away from the bathroom but it felt like miles. I busted through the classroom door slamming it onto the wall. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I shout and Mrs. Lanier rushed over to the phone. Vance shot up out of his chair seeing me there holding Finneys bloody body. "Arellano, Yamada, and Hopper. Go to the front of the school an ambulance is waiting for you outside" I heard the loud speaker. say me Robin, Vance, and the almost life less Finney rush out of the the schools front corridor. Vance had to drag Robin through the entire walk as Robin went into practical shock at the look of Finney. The paramedics took Finney from my shoulders and got him some real bandages. They put us in the back of the van and Finney in the front we were all scared, nervous and tired but I think myself nor Vance were even close to how Robin felt.


I was snatched out of my thoughts by a nurse walking into the room we're waiting in. Bruce got up from his seat immediately asking questions. I nudged Robin awake and he shot up running towards Finneys doctor. "Is he alright, is he alive, is he up!" Robin stammered on his words still in shock from the event. "He's breathing but still lost a lot of blood and will have to get 40 stitches to repair the damage Matty did to him" 


That name stung my ears when I heard it. "We're is he can we see him?" I asked."Yes but you have to see him from a far" I couldn't believe what I was hearing my Finney was in the hospital close to death because of some incompetent, selfish asshole. I was walking with Vance and Bruce to visit Finney. I walked up to the window of his room placing my hand on the cold hard glass. I felt Bruce throw a arm around my shoulder bringing me close to him as him and Vance looked at Finney with desperation in they're eyes. "Mr Arellano, Mr Robinson would like to speak to you." I turned around to see Finneys doctor standing there holding a clipboard in his left hand a pen in the other.


I was running after Vance with Vance running after Robin. We both know what he was going to do when he seen Matty. Robin was going to end him. Robin ran through the hallway eventually stopping at the corner. He seem Matty and ran to him shouting. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU BITCH!" Robin sped walked up to Matty and bitch slapped him across the face. But he wasn't done with Matty yet, he was just getting started. By the end of it Matty was an unconscious black and blooded mess on the ground it took three police officers and Vance to pry Robin off of Matty. "ROBIN STOP!" Vance screamed trying to pull Robin of off Matty getting punched and kicked in the process. Robin had to be handcuffed to a chair in the ambulance. 

"I hope your happy with yourself shithead" Vance said trying to sound tough but I seen the tears in his eyes as he rested his head against the ambulance doors. 

"Yeah I am thanks!" Robin said sounding pissed off.

"GUYS STOP!" I said shouting at both of them. "Fighting each other is not helping Finney in anyway right now!"

"You're right Bruce I'm sorry Vance." Robin said apologizing.

"Apology accepted, I get it man we're all under a lot of stress right now" Vance said.

"Hey do you guys wanna watch a movie or something tonight to ya know take our minds off of everything, Riley and Mary are with my grandma this weekend and mom won't be back until the afternoon of tomorrow" I shot a look at Vance and turned to Robin. "We'd love too Robin" I said looking out of the ambulance car's window laying my head on Vance's shoulder.

{Hey luvs! I got to excited for this chapter and finished it 30 minutes surprising myself if the line from Robin when he bitch slapped Matty in the hospital sounds familiar thats because is it is! It's from the movie orphan witch I loved go watch it if you haven't it's a real treat! Thank you guys once again for all of the love and support on this book I look forward to writing more chapters soon! I love you guys and stay safe! 🌸❤️}

"Robin?" Rinney storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum