"See ya"

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I finished my crying and whipped my tears away to look fine while heading to my next class. I walked in the door and was 10 minutes late. I sat in the seat were Robin should've been but he wasn't there.I wanted to cry again. When the bell for school to be over rang I snatched my stuff and ran for the corridors I was going to call Robins house number. I didn't have to worry about Gwen walking home home by herself because Donna was going to walk with her. I ran into my house and and snatched the phone off of the wall. I punched in Robins number playing with the cord to phone in my fingers. It finally picked up and some woman I assumed to be Robins mom answered. 

"Hello?" She said with an accent

"Hi is this Mrs Arellano?" I said happy someone picked up.

"Si?" She said. I knew some Spanish.

"I was wondering if I could speak with him please?"

"Si,Robin! Un chico en el telefono esta preguntando por ti!" (Some boy on the phone is asking for you)

I heard shuffling for a few seconds, then I heard Robins calming voice.

"Hey Robin, it's Finney I was wondering if I could come over and talk?"

"Uhhhh, sure but my cousins are over so we might not get to do much talking" 

"Oh well I was thinking we could go to a park or something to talk and let them run around and play" 

"Uh ok I'll seen ya then"

"See ya bye" 


I couldn't help but plaster the biggest dumbest smile on my face while walking to meet Robin at the park. I was walking to one of the picnic tables to wait for him when I ran into someone. I was now on the ground looking up at who I just bumped into, it was Vance I was sure about to get the wind knocked out of me. "Watch it nitwit!. Oh hi Finn sorry about that" he said holding his hand out to help me get up.

"Hey Vance what are you doing here?" I said grabbing his hand and standing up.

"I'm here with my friend Bruce what about you" I looked over his shoulder to see a boy with black hair and a green shirt on behind Vance. He got up and walked over over beside Vance.

"Hey I've seen you before you play baseball right?" He said with kind voice.

"Yeah I do I almost beat you once to" I said with a giggle.

"Yeah I remember that" he said with a chuckle.

"So what are you doing here?" Vance said 

"I'm here to meet Robin to talk about conversation that happened Tuesday"

"Oh can we join I haven't seen Robin in a week" Vance said. Robin wouldn't mind right I mean this was his best friend after all.

"Sure I don't see why not"


I made it to the park holding my cousins and little sister on those monkey backpack leash things. I seen Finn sitting at a picnic table with Vance and some other boy. He was laughing and smiling at this new boy, I don't know why but for some reason for my stomach started doing flips and my mind filled with thousands of thoughts. I walked up to Finn and put my hands on his shoulders.


"AHHHHH!" He shrieked I couldn't help but laugh.

"Holy shit you shoulda seen the look on your face haha!" I said dying of laughter.

"You asshole you scared the shit outta me for the second time today!" He screamed getting up from the picnic table and wrapping me into a huge hug.

"I missed you dummy" he whispered into my ear.

"Robins got a boyfriend!" I heard my sister and cousins chant.

"Callarse la boca!" (Shut up) I screamed yanking on them to shut their mouths. I let them go so they could run around and hopefully tire themselves out. 

"Awww they're adorable!" Bruce screamed "let's go play with them Vance!" Bruce yelled dragging Vance by the arm. Once they were gone I sat down across from Finney, he was nervous as he was playing with fingers. 

"I'm not mad at you Finn" I spoke softly.

"I know, I just couldn't stop thinking about what you said" 

"I'm sorry what did I say?" I said confused.

"Robin." He said grabbing my hands 

"Yeah Finn" I said blushing hard I could feel my face heating up.

"You said you liked me" he said with a goofy smile on his face.

"And I do, not like a friend. Finney I want to be something more than your friend" I said gripping his hand tightly. 

"Robin Arellano," he spoke sweetly 

"Do you want to go out with me?" He said 

"Of course Finn!" I cupped his face with my hand and kissed him softly. He kissed me back and his lips were so soft.

"Bleh!" I heard Vance saying with a grin plastered on his face. Him and Bruce were covered in sand by the sandbox. 

"Shut up Vance its romantic!" Bruce said with a giddy voice.

"Did you see that?" I said 

"Every.single.bit of it" he said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"I'll give you ten seconds to run hopper" he took off like a lightning bolt 

"I'll be back soon mi amor" I said leaving to chase Vance.

"I hope you learned you lesson about spying on people Vance" I said with a joking tone.

"Will do Arellano will do" Vance said.

{Hi guys I just wanted to finally get to where rinney actually happens in the book and also I think I did well introducing Bruce into the story. The next chapter will be written tomorrow after school. Stay safe  and I love you guys! 😁✌️🌸}

"Robin?" Rinney storyWhere stories live. Discover now