Hell hole

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"So what do you want gwenny?" I asked holding her back leading her down to the vending machine. I don't think she was a talkative person because she mostly clung to Vance and pointed out what she wanted. I pressed the button for the chips she pointed out and grabbed it out of the machine handing it to her. She smiled lightly and took it from my hands. We walked back up the hallway and into Finneys room. "Hey Finn me V are gonna drop Gwen off is that alright?" "That's fine," he said still looking down at the sleeping Robin with a glitter in his eyes. "Ewww, y'all are boring" Gwen said in a joking manner going to give Finney a hug goodbye. We walked back out to Vance's van when he whispered my ear "I like this kid" he said in a snarky voice. I giggled and seen Vance blush like crazy.


"Goodnight Robin" I said knowing well he was already knocked out. I turned over to the dimly light lamp that was hanging from the wall and grabbed the chain and shut it off. I rolled back over and sunk down into Robins chest. 


"Hey Bruce?" I asked not taking my eyes off of the road.

"Yeah" he spoke in a calm voice. He always had that calm caring voice.how I loved that voice.

"Are you," I hesitated for a second not wanting to make him uncomfortable. I gripped the stirring wheel harder.

"Spit it out V" he said giggling slightly. 

"Are you gay?" I blurted out he turned his head to me and back to window.

"If I lie will you see right through me like you always do?"

"Probably, you can't lie to save yourself" I said trying to lighten the mood. He laughed a bit but it was clear he was still uncomfortable. 

"I don't know how to explain it, I like this guy but." He said wanting to cry.

"Well, how about you just tell me about him and I can try and guess?" I suggested also feeling a bit sad that he didn't like me back. "Well alright, this shouldn't be hard for you, you know him  very well. he's tall, funny, caring when he wants to be, snarky," "okkkkk? Now what does he look like" Bruce smiled and blushed a little. I was wondering who I could know that was all of those things. "Ok well, he's got long curly blond hair" I raised an eyebrow at that part. "Has blue eyes. Andddd a stupid jacket he wraps others in to feel make them feel safe at times." He narrowed his eyebrows in a way like he was trying to be funny and sassy at the same time. "Is this guy?" Bruce was now leaning his head against the passenger seat head rest. "Is this guy me?" I said shyly. Bruce slowly nodded and turned to look at me I was probably red in the face. I pulled up to Bruce's house and he turned to get out of the car before he leaned over and kissed me. "See ya, V thanks for the ride" he said getting out of the car and shutting the door. I couldn't believe it Bruce had actually kissed me. I couldn't wait to tell Robin on Monday as I drove away from Bruce's front yard.


I woke up to Finney nuzzling his head into my chest. I was already awake so I decided to wake him up later I got out of bed and left the room to go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast for me and Finney. I walked in and grabbed the food and headed back out the door to walk to Finneys room. I walked into Finneys room to see him in the bathroom changing his clothes. "Wow breakfast and a show" I said grinning. "Ahh! You idiot you scared me!" He said walking over to the bed and slapping my shoulder. I handed him his food and we sat down and started eating. "Hey Robin?" He asked with hesitation. "Yeah?" I asked not taking my eyes off of the food. 

"Why do you wear your bandana all the time?" He asked pointing to my forehead.

"It's my dads" I muttered under my breath. I didn't like when people asked that but this was Finney. 

"Can I hear about your dad?" He asked with a calm voice. I threw the plate away and walked back over to the bed laying down in it. "Yeah sure why not?." I said patting the seat next to me. He walked over and layed down resting his head on my shoulder. "He was, kind, smart and always wanted to help others. That's why he joined the military." I said wanting to throw the conversation under the rug. "He was also a bit of a flirt" "like you?" Finney said giggling at his own joke. "Yeah like me" I said rolling my eyes. "He loved my mom and sisters a lot to. He always wanted to spend every waking second with us. When I was three he'd come into my room and just lay in the bed until I woke up" I smiled remembering those days. I went on for another thirty minutes about my dads likes and dislikes. Finney was listening away at me babble like an idiot the whole time. "Hey Finn," 

"Yeah" he said almost asleep. 

"I have to go, Mary won't take care of Riley and I hadn't been home in two days mom has" he looked sad but also looked like he understood why I had to leave. I walked over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Before turning to walk away.

"One more?" He said reaching his arms out for a hug and another kiss. I walked over and gave him both this time one on the lips.

"Robin?" Rinney storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora