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I was walking to school with Bruce holding my hand while we walked with Robin. "So are yall like a thing now?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Yeah robin now walk your stupid ass to class!" I said kinda harshly. "Vance that was mean!" Bruce said. "See ya at lunch?" I said giving him a hug and walking away. "YEAH!" I heard him shout walking away. I smiled to myself knowing I'll seen him later.

Time skip.


I walked to 5th period on my way to grab my lunch when someone stuck their foot out and tripped me.


I looked over to hear people screaming fight. Me Vance shot each other a look and sprung out of our seats. 


I shot up out of my chair running to the scene with Bruce. I pushed pass people to see Robin on top of Matty knocking the shit out of him. "GET HIM ROBIN!" I cheered I taught him well when I taught him how to fight I was proud of him. "VANCE!" Bruce yelled at me "GET HIM!" He said yelling like a parent. I walked over to Robin and pulled him off of Matty I looked closer to inspect the damage and his face was unrecognizable. Robin got him good I thought to myself walking him and Bruce to the bathroom to get Robin cleaned up. "ROBIN!" Bruce scolded Robin as Robin sat on the sink pulling his stuff out of his book bag and throwing it down to the floor. He cleaned the cuts and wrapped them up. 

"Would you hush." He said bluntly. I walked up to him and ruffled his hair.

"Would like some help kid" I said taking the bandages from his hands. I saw Robin smile out of the corner of my eye as Bruce kept scolding Robin about fighting people and how to control his anger. I smiled adoring the two dorks getting along. 

Time skip 

"Awww give him a break B" "no I'm still pissed" Bruce said angrily. As I was swinging my keys around my finger me Bruce and Gwen waited for Robin to walk out of school. We all agreed to visit Finney everyday after school so he wasn't alone in the sad empty hospital everyday. Robin stormed out of the school holding his head with one of his hands. 

"Woah Robin what happened?" Bruce said with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Nothing, can we just go see Finney now?" He said angry as he slammed the van door behind him. Bruce was about to open the door to push Robin further into telling him what happened when I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him. Robin never liked talking about his problems with anyone so I knew it was best to just leave him alone until he got over it like he always did. I walked over to Bruce's passenger seat and open the door for him to step in. He giggled slightly which made me smile as I got into my side of the van. 


I smiled laying in my bed thinking of Robin and Gwen and my other two friends as I knew they would be coming to see me. I always got happy when I seen them intrude into my hospital room and wrap me in hugs. "Three, two, one" I mumbled to my self knowing that they always come in the room at the same time everyday. And I was right Robin burst through the room and ran over to me giving me a tight hug and a small kiss before pulling away. "I missed you like crazy you have no idea Finney Blake!" He said putting his arm around my shoulder. "Uhhh hello! Gwen's still here!" I giggled at my little sister being jealous of Robin she walked over to the bed and sat beside me grabbing my arm. "Are you jealous Gwen?" I said with a smirk on my face. "DUH! I'm not sharing you!" She said scooting closer to me. Vance and Bruce walked into the room and sat in chairs beside each other next to the bed. Robin grabbed my hand and my eyes traveled to his knuckles bruised and bloodied with dry blood on the top and starting to scab. "ROBIN! What happened!" 

"Someone talked shit, so" he said with a calm voice. 

"Ok, Are you alright?" I said concerned for him. "Yeah I just hope it isn't as bad as the time I fought Matty in the hospital" I laughed to myself at how nonchalant Robin sounded. I was happy I had my family here with me. I don't know when but I began to doze off


It was getting late so I decided to take Gwen, Robin, and Bruce home. I Nudged Robin and Gwen awake and told Bruce to go ahead and start the van and that I'd meet him outside.

"Come on guys, I'll get an earful from my mom if I don't have you little shits dropped off by 9:30" I said picking Gwen up from the bed and putting an arm around Robins shoulder as we walked out of the hospital. I opened the door and Robin crawled inside laying his head against the cold window. Gwen climbed in as well and I shut the door as they dozed off in the back seat. I peered at them through the rear view mirror and smiled a little at how peaceful they were.

"It's cute how much you care for them three" Bruce said averting his eyes to the window and peering out at the road.

"Yeah, I guess I care so much because I've always wanted little siblings," I said smiling at how I'd used to draw pictures of me with a little brother and mom would hang them on the fridge. 

"You? Vance hopper wanting little siblings?" Bruce said with a chuckle.

"Hey! Quit judging me!" I said pretending to be sad.

"I'm not!" He said laughing. "Ok well I'll see ya tomorrow, love ya" he said stepping out of the car. "Love you too" I said as he shut the van door and grabbed his book bag walking up to front porch. 

"What was that about?" Gwen said jumping into the passenger seat. "GWEN! You scared me!" I said starting the van back up. "I scare everyone it's nothing I'm not used to being told" she said with a shrug. 

"So are you two dating or something?" 

"I actually don't know?" I mean sure we both liked each other and had kissed the night before but I didn't know what we were.

"Well you two should, you two would be cute together and I wouldn't have to babysit my two idiots anymore." She said turning her eyes to Robin still sleeping in the back seat. "Bye Vance! Thanks for the ride!" She said stepping out of the van and grabbing her stuff from the backseat. "You to kiddo! And anytime"  I drove away from Gwen's house and pulled up to Robins drive way. I shook him awake and waited for him to get up. 

{PHEW! Sorry for the late chapter my luvs! I was just so tired from school today and didn't feel like writing at all. But y'all deserve another chapter so I hope you enjoyed and I have a lot planned for the next chapter so I'll update you guys tomorrow! Take care and goodnight my luvs! 🥰❤️}

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