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"I mean, how come I'll get suspended!?" I shouted at Finney. He had finally gotten discharged from the hospital and it was Monday and Vance was giving Finney,Gwen,Bruce and I a ride to school.

"Because you can't go around telling your teacher you don't care if she fails you." Finney said patting my shoulder. 

"I mean that's why I'm your tutor Robin" he said with his adorable giggle.

"Yeah and you love me" I said kissing his cheek before jumping out of the van and running off.


I held my hand over where Robin kissed me. I was smiling all the way to first period until I seen Matty and his friends standing outside of my classroom. They gave me a horrific looking smile and walked off. That made my blood run cold. The bell finally rang and I was happy walking to lunch because I would get to see Robin again. I grabbed my food and scanned the room for their lunch table. I found it pretty quickly and walked over and sat down. 

"Hey Finney!" Robin said and gave me a hug.

"Hey Rob, we still studying later?" I asked with anticipation.

"Yeah Finn?" He said picking up his fork and stabbing it into his lunch. Lunch soon ended and I made my way to my last period class which was science. I love science, maybe because it's the class we learn about space in. I sat down into the desk pulling my book out and doodling little pictures until I seen the shadow of a girl standing over me.

"Hello?" I asked wondering why the girl was standing over me. I've never been quite social person.

"Hello" she spoke. She seemed nice, she had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. 

"Can I sit here? No one ever wants the "new kid" to sit with them." She said making gestures with her hands and rolling her eyes playfully. 

"Sure, sit down" I sat not taking my eyes off of my little doodles. 

"Thanks, I'm Donna by the way." She said sitting down and holding her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Finney" I said shaking her hand.The teacher soon arrived and everyone got quiet.

"Class today you will have a group project, and before you even ask no you don't get to pick your own partners." Great I thought now someone will leave me with all of the work. "Donna and Finney you two can work together" the teacher said sharply. I looked over at Donna who had a smile on her face. 

"Hey do you want to come over and work on the project?" Donna said waiting for me to finish packing up my stuff.

"Uhhhh, I can't I have to tutor a friend." I said with a gentle smile. 

"Oh well can I come over to your place and the friend can join us?" She said looking at me happily. Robin wouldn't mind right?.

"Uhhh, yeah sure just let me go get my friend." I said backing up to leave before someone stopped me. 

"Friends already here Finn." Robin said spinning me around. 

"Oh hey Robin. Do you mind if Donna joins us? We've got a project due in three days." I saw Robin cringe about the idea of Donna being with us but he just nodded his head and took my hand interlocking our fingers and left to my house. We made our way into to the house and Gwen was at another friends house sleeping over and dad was at work so it was just us three. I led them upstairs to my room. I kept having to turn to help Robin and then back to Donna so we could keep writing. Robin got some help and we finished his and my own homework, and Donna and I got a decent amount done on the project. 

"Oh I gotta go home." Donna said springing up from the floor and heading towards the door I followed her down stairs and opened the door for her.

"Thanks Finney! See ya tomorrow" she said giving me a hug. I returned the hug and shut the door behind her. I was about to walk away when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"The Fuck!?" Robin said standing behind me with his backpack slung over his shoulder and his fist clenched.

"Robin what's wrong?" I said taking a step back towards the door. I couldn't help it the way Robin had that hateful glare in his eyes reminded me to much of when dad was going to hit or beat me. 

"Oh so you're scared of me now?" Robin said walking towards me causing me to back up and hit the door. I felt the tears start to come.

"Why were you hugging her?" He said his voice cold. 

"You're s- scaring me Robin" I said stuttering from being scared.

"Trust me Finney, I can give you something to be scared of." He said in a pissed off voice pushing me to the side and stepping out of the house and slamming the door. I felt my heart beat begin to slow down from relief that he hadn't hit me. I stumbled to the side of the wall resting my head up against it. 


"So what movie do you wanna watch?" I said looking down at Bruce resting against my chest. After dropping Gwen of at her friends house. he decided to sleep over so we were going to watch a movie.

"I don't Know I don't really care." He said shrugging his shoulders. We were five minutes into the movie when I heard knocking on the door. 

"I'll be right back it's probably just somebody with the wrong address." I said getting up from the couch and opening the door to see Robin standing in the doorway looking down at his feet.

"Robin!?, what's wrong why are you crying" I said. Whoever messed with Robin messed with me. I seen Robin as the little brother I'd never had. 

"I Fucked up Vance, I really did." He said his voice beginning to shake.

"Robin come here." I said extending my arms out. He stumbled towards me and fell into my arms. Starting to sob. Bruce was of off the couch now standing over me and Robin as he cried. 

"It's ok Robin, your ok" that was really all I could do for him is hug him until he tired himself out I felt bad for Robin. I wondered what happened to make him cry like this?.

{hey luvs I wanted to write something that would piss you guys off, 😂 I love you guys stay safe and more tomorrow.}

"Robin?" Rinney storyWhere stories live. Discover now