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I stared in shock as I watched His face twist. His garnet eyes darkened and looked dangerous. At that moment I didn't see the foolish happy go lucky sultan I saw his mother. I saw the Woman who while king was cruel to those who deserved it. Shockingly, I didn't see his father's harsh glare at all. This boy was only Oddette's son, not his father. He had her bright white hair, her Tanned skin, her piercing eyes, her Grace and her elegance. I saw him as someone to be respected for once. Though I am mad.

 I am mad that this demon of a man saw what I couldn't. I'm mad Kalim responds so well to him. I'm mad that this man is his friend and I am not. I thought this is what I wanted...For the damn Sea otter to leave me alone as I thought all he ever was is a failure of a sultan who didn't know pain. How wrong I was. He was strong, conniving, and a damn good actor. I am mad for many reasons but the main one is that I had been so foolish. I couldn't get my head out my ass and lost someone who I deep down saw as a friend. I lost the kindest master I could ask for. I am but a fool;I am nothing but a mere court jester performing in this Sultan's place. 

I started as a boy who he saw as an equal and have turned into a form of entertainment. This school is for the gifted and they are prideful, I thought those went hand in hand But I am the Joker of the playing card deck. I ruined the game. I thought that the prideful were gifted and the humble were not; I was wrong so, so wrong. I am prideful but not gifted and Kalim is gifted but not prideful. He admits his fault he is his mother but I…..I am the same as his monster of a father. I am prideful like him. I AM UNGIFTED LIKE HIM!  

If Kalim is a Villain then I am a monster. Where Kalim is dark he knows how to shine and can be redeemed while I….I must hide in the shadows planning and plotting but not able to come into the light. I am unredeemable. I am a servant . Kalim is the master. I thought he was a fool and I was the King but I only lied to myself. I am the jester. He is the Ruler. I am the monster that overbloted.

I lost many things when I overbloted. My family's respect as little as it was, the ability to call myself your Friend, and I lost most of my friends. You give out many things but your friendship is closely guarded. Where people may claim you as their friend you do not. I have lost that friendship, that secret and shall never earn it back. But the thing that hurts the most is that I now know. If you hold friendship like a crowned jewel then Your affections are god. The true thing I lost that day was your love. Back then you loved me but I did not love you. Now though the roles are reversed.

I feel like the theif in the story about the princess. You are what I want but are something I can never obtain. As I look at you I see a true King, one that the people need. 

"I suppose I must try harder to earn your affections even though I imagine it is impossible." I whisper under my Breath as I hear your bright voice speak to the Fallen King of the Kingdom in the Rose Maze. He is the brother of a soldier and the friend of the sultan. He is not Me and I am not him no matter how much I wish I was….. I have one thing I wish to say as I look at your shining eyes and Beautiful Face.

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