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It all starts at the hospital ,a man is being carried on a stretcher ,commotion is is every where in the hospital , a man is seen calling the doctors to hurry quickly .

Man:He is loosing alot of blood , Doctoooor,(sees a nurse)pliz call the doctor

Just then the ward boys take the man on the stretcher to the operation theater and doctors are seen running to his aid

Another man is seen calling the man who was on the with the man on the stretcher

Man:Zayn,Zaaa...,zaynn...,Let the doctors do their job look , no need to scream(Zayn's face is revealed and so is the man who calls Zayn).

Zayn:But dad the man has lost alot of blood , I hope he can survive.Dad i hope so.

Man :He will son, he will.(just then a woman's voice is heard ,calling one who could be her husband , the man )

Woman:Vikram, Vikram, how is he ,

Vikram.He has been rushed to the theater for operation, it seems serious,Meera, honey let's hope for the best.(as he says her name, her face is revealed.).

Meera:Hey Kanhaji,please protect the poor boy's life,Am sure he has a family waiting for him.

Vikram/Zayn:(both hug Meera).

Just then one of the doctors in operation uniform comes out from the theater.....

Meera:Doctor, Doctoor......doc...(doctor stops).How is he , what's happening to him ,Can he survive ,what......(the doctor interrupts)

Doctor:Misses Khan,We are trying our best,suddenly he has lost alot of blood ,we have never seen this one before ,Good thing you brought him here in time ,let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst.Excuse me .

Meera:(she breaks and sits on the chair,tears are visible in her eyes).

Amara:Mom,Mom are you ouk ,moom,(she hugs her mum).
Zayn,Vikram,Venraj and kiara look on sadly.

Inside the theater.....
The doctors are trying their best ,he is seen losing blood from his wound on the head as the doctors try to stop it, alot of commands and demands from doctors to nurses are heard,oxygen mask is seen covering his nose and his deep cut visible on his head is being attended to.

Doctor to nurse:Scissors,.....Syringe...
Sponge....(then suddenly.....,the machine starts beeping )we are loosing him guys , Guys hurry some one send me the machine.

Nurse:(Hands over the heart awakener)
Doctor:(with blood all over his hands)Doctor Shushmita ,we need blood group o quickly.

Doctor Shushmita:Ouk (comes out and family members stand up quickly with questions)There is no time for questions,who among u is of blood group o.

Meera:I am , am of blood group o

Doctor Shushmita:Please follow me Misses Khan, the rest ,u better pray for him now ,his condition is critical,excuse me.

Back in the theater.....
Doctor:He is going in cardiac arrest, where is doctor Shushmita, we need the blood now or else we are to loose him,(tries to wake the heart with the machine )

On the other hand ,Meera is seen giving blood with a very sad teary face

Wind all over the hospital starts blowing, thunder is heard  clearly in the clouds,bells of the hospital temple start climging and of one of the temples where a woman is seen praying and worshipping , as the doctor is trying so hard to revive his heart.Zayn and Amara run to the hospital temple and start praying.

The woman praying runs to the other big temple, as she runs ,she hurts her leg but seems not to care at all,she reaches the temple and startes praying while mentioning a name Virendra,The       
Priests are also seen saying certain words with big candles in their hands.

In the theater, the man's face is revealed,Virendra Pratab Singh ,but his condition is very critical.The episode ends on Virendra's face ,The woman's back,and the family's shocked faces..
What's next will Virendra Survive.

The machine on Virendra starts to show a dead line, the woman praying is seen falling down,Meera is seen with a shocked face and the doctor tells the family shocking news.


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