Episode 22(The untold truth).

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Harsith is so eager to know what really happened to Meera a few years back as his siblings remain resistant .

“What really happened with mother,...Zayn!!!,..Amara!!” he moves his gaze through the kids for an answer ,they look at each indicating one other to answer first.

Zayn:Bhaisab,...suck matters were denied to be spoken about by father ,if he even gets the sense of whispers about it ,...be will kill us .

“If father is so protective ,then am so eager to know,alright ,none of you is going to speak,how about this ,if you don't tell me what is really wrong with mother ,then I might not help you with your competitions”Harsith puts forth a demand they can't refuse .

“but ,..bhaiya,.,...”

“Do you need my help or not”.


"Won't you let me in "Venraj hiding flowers behind his back asks a confused Sudha.

"How,...,...come in"she answers.

Both enter inside the house.

Simple and enlegant as it is but also large enough to fit in a family, with everything arranged according to one's likes ,Venraj takes a look around Sudha's house ,crafted chairs,clourful decorations ,a swinging chair ,large enough kitchen area.

"Wow ,....your so responsible,,. as I expected ,...“breathes in”,am so lucky”.

“First,of all,what brings you here?,how did you get my house location?,...what do you want ?.,.....

“Ouk ,slow down,young lady....!,I came here to see you ,that's obvious,and second ,how I got to know your house location is none of your business and thirdly I brought these flowers for you.,...‘he hands her the flowers’.

Sudha gets them and places them in a flower vessel nearby as Venraj is just awstruck by her ,her mestiza Indian heritage,he half showing waist,the wet hair that shows she just came out of the bathroom,ever strand on her hair, one looking at him would tell how much he looks at her with love on his eyes .He gets back to senses because of the big pictures on the wall.

One with Sudha and the kids,the other with purvi and one with the whole family. Confused about whether he should ask her about them or not ,“Are they her children,....no.no,..it can't be ,she is too young to have kids,...maybe it's her family or her siblings,...but what if”he thinks to himself perhaps Sudha might be having children she never talks about.

Sudha who gets done with placing the flowe in the vessel,looks at him, .Venraj is looking keenly at the pictures ,.

“Thats my best friend Purvi,...Purvi pratab Singh,...and those are her children,Juhi, Manas ,Mehendra,Alisha, the next shows her mother,uncle in law ,brother in law,sister in law and their child.”

“Aah, I thought that ,......anyway let's leave it ,” A nervous Venraj answers Sudha as he breathes in ,he thought the kids might be hers but his thoughts are cleared.

At the Shuklah's.....
Zayn looks at Amara indicating he will have to tell him or else he will loose the match,Amara tells him no through their tight eye lock to which Harsith notices.

Harsith gets out his credit cards,and places them on the glass table ,lifts his eye brows as if saying you still won't tell me?.

Amara on seeing them,seems to weaken,she immediately grabs one and in a quick phase ,..“We will tell you,”.

“Well mother is actually not father's first wife, (Harsith is listening ,that he knows that Meera is not Vikram's first wife and Vihan is a stepson to Meera,so it's not knew to his ears)...,Father actually saved mother from an accident that took place long back before we were born,in that accident ,well.,....mother lost all her memory ,just like you did, though her accident was very brutal,the doctor advised us to go slow on her,memory recovery or she might have a bypass or even die if we force her to remember her past,all this was told to our dad the day he took her to the hospital, Dad got a little attraction toward Meera,it was love at first sight,and without knowing where she came from took her home ,as he carried out her treatment,these two grew fond of each other,which developed into love ,later,though mother loved him,she was afraid to continue the relationship because she had no idea about her past life.

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