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As Vihan throws his phone a bit aingrily
at the table

"Don't tell me you got offended by the reporters's words,his cousin Arjun jokingly asks him.

Vihan who is touching through his hairs as if he has a disease looks at him disappointingly .

Vihan: Seriously Arjun!!!

Arjun who knows his cousin better than anyone suspects something,strange about him.

" You look,I don't know,confused ,tell me ,are you planning something?.Arjun asks him again.

Vihan looks at him and thinks.

Vihan:Am always planning something!!!,__am just thinking how this reporter got to know, that __that bastered of a fake brother is not in our family photos,something is quite not right here.

Arjun:Are you saying you think you are not his only enemy.

"There only a few people that don't like Harsith in our house am just confused who could be the other one,they must be really smart. Vihan replies.

Arjun: Are you really not concerned about your family?,

Vihan:You know I love my family more than anything.

Arjun:That I know,but what I mean is how will uncle Vikram react if they call Harsith as an illigitmate child,only that word is enough to destroy our entire family,Your father hasn't had any affair with anyone,these reporters are very cunning people Vihan,they can cook up that story any time.

At this point Vihan who had not thought about it earlier gets worried,he gets a bit tensed ,he is seen looking side ways and gets out his phone to make a call as he thinks how can someone mess with his family like that.

Inside the car.

Zayn:Bol na Bhaiya__tell us about your kind of wife.

Everyone in the car asks him to speak up,as he tries so hard to dodge their question,Finally a fed up Harsith decides to speak but before he says anything Amara poops up a name he didn't expect.

Amara:ouk if you are not going to speak, Tells is it Aunt Nandini. ___Amara looks at her adopted Brother waiting to be answered and so does everyone.

Harsith:No definitely no.......

"Then it must be Anika,right?" Kiara poops the question..All of the members inside the car smirk and smile and agree to this ,Harsith who is wondering why they suddenly decided to ask him that question rejects their imaginary proposals.

"Anika is my friend,just a dost, nothing more,she may act to cozy with me sometimes but we are not into each other ,and anyway she is not my type." Harsith defends.

Venraj:Then what is your type yar...bol na.
Harsith smiles off and decides to tell them he knows he can not win against these kids cause they are too naughty and might not let him be,its the question everyone has been asking him"Harsith why don't you get married he rembers his mother asking him.Even today when the reporters asked him if there was anyone in his life.....

Harsith:Thik,sun...MERI WIFE(___The children widely open their ears to listen to him after constant refusals from him talking about relationships,they thought he is the type that can not get swayed by a woman,they have often seen him giving a female side very much respect and ask why he is not attracted to any,the fact that he has a hot and classy friend Anika a single mother who lost her husband a few years back but still looks very attractive and admired by many around her and their unmarried fashionable aunt Nandini. who.has a crazy and abnormal crush on him since the day he entered the shuklah home .That question pops to their head why he is not attracted by such classy women,who rejects such women.)

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