Episode 18(the Deal).

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The atmosphere in the house seems calm, till a car arrives and a furious Vihan gets out of it and heads straight for the house with papers in his hands. He screams for Harsith as soon as he is visible. "Vihan what happened why are you screaming like that" Vishnu asks him. "Harsith kaha ha hai, Vihan asks Vishnu.

Meera, Vikram and Diya come to see what is taking place, they come with questions but he shuts them immediately, they know him well, the hate he has for Harsith may lead him into doing something, but what it is this time, Meera prays in her heart that a fight shouldn't erupt today, already much has happened in the morning.

Harsith in his calm self arrives down stairs, In a white slim vest, short pants and house sandles he confidently walks upto to his brother. Though a lot changed with him in the past years, but his attitude and kingly nature didn't, he is still someone who would annalyze the situation and then come up with a solution, with no fear at all he walks upfront.

"Am here what is the matter" Harsith asks.

"what,.... What the hell is this, Vihan throws the papers on his face that find their way down"

Harsith looks at him, for what he just did, he keeps calm, looks at everyone present bends and picks up the papers, he reads through and smiles. "This, it contains the contract with the kapoors, what's wrong with it" He asks his glowing brother.

"You are asking me what's wrong with it, as if you don't have eyes to see, That contract, I cannot accept that deal at any cost"

"and why wouldn't you" Is it because of me that you cannot accept it, besides the Deal was already made, there is nothing to refuse about. "Harsith answers.

Vikram who is clearly enjoying this decides to butter it up," What does the contract say, its very rare for Vihan to decline a deal, Harsith did you do something to upset him. "

" Dad, why would I do anything to upset him, all I did was to strike a deal  I didnt know he would have a problem with it."

"Yes I do have a problem with it, alright, especially the fact that you gave the kapoors at least 20%of the benefits from the hotel, and worst of all, when it's us to refine it, we're you out of your mind, do you know how much money we will have to spend on this god demn hotel, The equipments, the rooms, the workers, all of that will cost a lot of money, and we will have to give him 50milliom dollars and then later a percentage of the benefits after refining the hotel, what kind of a business man risks his company for such a lousy good for nothing deal, tell me hah! Vihan shouts loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Dekh, Vihan, we can talk about this calmly, am sure there is a reason why Harsith did this, so let him explain first ouk, am sure he might have thought it through himself before making the Deal." Meera tells his son.

"lekin, Meera, What he did was absolutely not professional, the deal he striked is to cause us a lot of money, we might end up spending more than we will be earning from this hotel deal. Vikram exains further.

" Aree, bol na, why are you so quite Vihan urges a quite and thinking Harsith to speak.

" You want to know why I striked that deal, so sun, Mr. Kapoor is a grown man, he is very much respected in his area, not only that, he is regarded as everyone's God on earth. The reason why I decided to strike that deal like that is because his Hotel is an ancestral one, its very dear to his heart, its also near a lake, in an open view, while making this deal I looked at two things, Mr. Kapoor has 5 charity organisations of which all depend on him, a lot of children get education because of him and some eat two meals a day because of him, that hotel is his everything, it's his God, through it he has been able to Send these kids to school and carry out various needs of the children, the hotel belonged to his late father it was not going to be easy to buy it from him, he wanted us to invest in it and later get 50%of the benefits but I refused, instead I offered to buy it from him but he couldn't give in, so I offered him another deal to give him 50 million and later he would receive the benefits annually for the hotel, so I instigated his son and he had no choice but to accept the deal because no one was to help him, his hotel has been through  a recent fire breakout, it just needs a few polishes, and the main reason I chose it because its near a lake and a lot of tourist love the lakes. So was I wrong, ha.... Ma please tell me.. "Harsith explains.

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